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taxlist 0.4.0

New Features

  • New function reindex() to reassign identifiers to taxon concepts, taxon names and taxon views.

taxlist 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-07-03

New Features

  • New function prune_levels() pruning levels that are not used in taxlist objects.
  • New function merge_to_parent() merging multiple taxa to their respective parents.
  • New function sort_backups() retrieving a sorted list of backups written by backup_object().
  • New function taxlist2df() for converting taxlist objects into data frames.
  • New function parents() retrieving parent taxa at a determined rank for selected taxon concepts.


  • Function merge_taxa() can now be used to query a list of taxonomic ranks. This is enabled through the argument level.
  • A new argument delelte_nomatch in function merge_taxa() to delete top ranks and rankless taxa.
  • Function backup_object() retrieves an invisible vector with information about the written backup.
  • Function load_last() retrieves an invisible data frame with information about the imported backup. It also include a new argument choice to select a different backup from the list produced by sort_backups().
  • Function insert_rows() was redefined as a generic function.
  • New arguments in function print_name():
    • italics: a logical value that allows to unset italic format of names. This can be usefull for taxonomic ranks that are not written in italics (e.g. Family names in plant and animals).
    • collapse: a character value (or vector of lengh 2), used to collapse strings of names, for instance to mention more than one taxa in the text.

taxlist 0.2.4

CRAN release: 2023-03-12

New Features

  • New S3 class matched_names inheriting data frame properties. This class will be used for an interactive selection of multiple choices, when a name matches more than one candidate.
  • Character identifiers (primary keys) are enabled.
  • New functions id_generator() to create vectors of identifiers, either as numeric values (integers) or as character values by using random strings.
  • New function id_solver() to compare vectors of identifiers between a recipient database and a data set to be inserted into the mentioned database. This function will propose a modified vector for the new data to avoid conflicts by duplicated IDs.
  • Coercion of taxlist objects to data.frame objects.


  • The validation for taxlist objects is also looking if Parent IDs are missing in the object.
  • Function match_names() displays multiple matchings per name and also works comparing a string with itself.
  • Simplified coercion in form of to_class <- as(obj, from_class).
  • Function tnrs() deprecated.
  • Simplified coercion in form of to_class <- as(obj, from_class)
  • Function add_concept() with a method for data.frame objects.

taxlist 0.2.3

CRAN release: 2022-09-12

New Features

  • New arguments isolate and trim to prevent parts of scientific names to be formatted in italics.


  • Function match_names() allows to sort output data frame in the 'character,taxlist-method'.
  • Slot taxonViews allowing class lib_df from package biblio.
  • In function summary(), when using text as query, a new parameter exact allow for querying the exact name, which is usefull when querying genera.
  • New style of scripts using the package styler.
  • Name of taxon attribute lf_behn_2018 changed to life_form.
  • Function print_name() is now working with more than one name (vectorized) and reset to an S3 method, including an option for character vectors.
  • Function df2taxlist() redefined to allow import from a single data frame.

taxlist 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2021-07-15

Bug Fixes

taxlist 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2021-03-29

New Features


  • New argument repaste in function dissect_name() for re-pasting dissected names.
  • Function replace_idx() setting by default idx1 = x.
  • Functions replace_idx() and replace_na() setting by default idx2 = idx1.
  • Special characters corrected in data set Cyperus.
  • Validation allowing taxa without rank but parents.

taxlist 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2020-10-07


  • Several improvements to meet ROpenSci requirements documented here.

taxlist 0.1.9

CRAN release: 2020-05-31

Bug Fixes

  • Problems with encoding of data set Easplist

taxlist 0.1.8

CRAN release: 2020-04-29

New Features

  • Function taxlist2taxmap() for the interaction between packages taxlist and taxmap.
  • Function taxmap2taxlist() for the conversion of Taxmap objects into taxlist ones.


  • Roxygenized version.
  • Method formula for function count_taxa().
  • New argument fext in function backup_object() setting the extension of the backup file.

taxlist 0.1.7

CRAN release: 2020-01-10

New Features


  • Warning in function tax2traits() for objects without taxonomic ranks.
  • Second argument in function [ applies only to slot taxonTraits.
  • Replacement method for functions [ and $ deprecated.
  • Method for function $ matches all taxon concepts when retrieving information from slot taxonTraits.
  • Missing argument idx2 will be set as idx1 in functions replace_idx() and replace_na().
  • Function replace_view() deprecated.
  • Example data set cleaned (specifically author names)

Bug Fixes

  • Function match_names() was not properly working for the option accepted_only=TRUE.
  • Function merge_taxa() caused orphaned children of replaced taxon concepts.
  • Function clean() not working for deleted names.

taxlist 0.1.6

CRAN release: 2019-01-21

New Features


  • A new option style="knitr" for function print_name() (See this issue at Stack Overflow).
  • In function backup_object(), the message will be done after successful saving and not before.
  • New argument accepted_only in function match_names(), for comparing strings only with accepted names.
  • Error message for NA’s in argument x at function match_names()

Bugs Fixes

  • Function add_synonym() was not properly working for incomplete entries (missing variables in the replacement values.)
  • Function load_last() was not properly working for values of file without mention of subfolder.
  • Function accepted_name() with option show_traits=TRUE was not displaying taxa with no entries for taxon traits.
  • Prototype for object taxlist wrongly included a slot hierarchy.

taxlist 0.1.5

CRAN release: 2018-06-29

New Features

  • A CITATION file is included in the installation.
  • New method replace_view.
  • New method print_name for formatting taxon names to italic style.
  • New method update_name, for updating information in slot taxonNames.
  • New method synonyms retrieving synonyms for indicated concepts.
  • New method delete_name for deleting synonyms in taxlist objects.
  • New method basionym for handling basionyms.


  • Function accepted_name retrieves also information on Level (taxonomic rank) and traits (optional in argument show_traits).
  • Function summary for single taxon is displaying the name of the parent taxon (accepted name) and optional a string for the taxon view.
  • Function backup_object prints a message in the console.
  • Related functions will join documentation files.
  • Data set Easplist adapted to new state of database SWEA-Dataveg.
  • Function match_names counts multiple best matchings and includes a new argument show_concepts for displaying the respective accepted names and taxon concept ID.

Bugs Fixes

  • Function load_last was not working for single files with suffix, neither for absolute path or paths with underscores.
  • Function summary for single taxa was not displaying names that are homonyms to the accepted name.
  • Re-organized documentation.

taxlist 0.1.4

CRAN release: 2018-05-03

New Features

  • New function load_last to load last backup in an R-session.
  • File inst/ChangeLog replaced by
  • New function dissect_name for splitting names into their parts.
  • New function match_names matching character vectors with names of a taxlist object.


  • Function backup_object is also working with relative paths.

Bugs Fixes

  • Function add_view was not adding new columns in the respective slot.
  • Function tv2taxlist does not modify slot taxonViews in prototype.
  • Function load_last was not working with values of filename having underscores.

taxlist 0.1.3

CRAN release: 2018-01-05

New Features

  • New function: add_trait.
  • New function: tax2traits.


  • Argument level inserted in function merge_taxa.
  • Function clean also set keys to class integer.
  • Validation checks for the existence of accepted names in names list.

Bugs Fixes

  • Bug in add_concept: wrong assignment of AcceptedName.

taxlist 0.1.2

CRAN release: 2017-08-06

New Features

  • new function merge_taxa.


  • Argument ConceptID in summary (taxlis-method) can be a character vector matching TaxonName.

taxlist 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2017-07-23

New Features

  • New vignette taxlist-intro.


  • Package vegdata moved from Depends to Imports.
  • Function df2taxlist adapted to species lists with duplicated names.
  • Arguments keep_parents and keep_children implemented in function subset.

taxlist 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2017-06-14

New Features