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do_package_checks() adds default steps related to package checks to the "before_install", "install", "script" and "after_success" stages:

This macro is only available for R packages.

  1. step_install_deps() in the "install" stage, using the repos argument.

  2. step_session_info() in the "install" stage.

  3. step_rcmdcheck() in the "script" stage, using the warnings_are_errors, notes_are_errors, args, and build_args arguments.

  4. A call to covr::codecov() in the "after_success" stage (only if the codecov flag is set)


  codecov = !ci_is_interactive(),
  warnings_are_errors = NULL,
  notes_are_errors = NULL,
  args = NULL,
  build_args = NULL,
  error_on = "warning",
  repos = repo_default(),
  dependencies = TRUE,
  timeout = Inf,
  check_dir = "check"



Ignored, used to enforce naming of arguments.


Whether to include a step running covr::codecov(quiet = FALSE) (default: only for non-interactive CI, see ci_is_interactive()).

warnings_are_errors, notes_are_errors

Deprecated, use error_on.


Passed to rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck().

Default for local runs: c("--no-manual", "--as-cran").

Default for Windows: c("--no-manual", "--as-cran", "--no-vignettes", "--no-build-vignettes", "--no-multiarch").

On GitHub Actions option "–no-manual" is always used (appended to custom user input) because LaTeX is not available and installation is time consuming and error prone.


Passed to rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck().
Default for local runs: "--force".
Default for Windows: c("--no-build-vignettes", "--force").


Whether to throw an error on R CMD check failures. Note that the check is always completed (unless a timeout happens), and the error is only thrown after completion. If "never", then no errors are thrown. If "error", then only ERROR failures generate errors. If "warning", then WARNING failures generate errors as well. If "note", then any check failure generated an error.


Passed to rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck(), default: repo_default().


What kinds of dependencies to install. Most commonly one of the following values:

  • NA: only required (hard) dependencies,

  • TRUE: required dependencies plus optional and development dependencies,

  • FALSE: do not install any dependencies. (You might end up with a non-working package, and/or the installation might fail.) See Package dependency types for other possible values and more information about package dependencies.


Passed to rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck(), default: Inf.


Path specifying the directory for R CMD check. Defaults to "check" for easy upload of artifacts.

See also


#>  Creating a clean tic stage configuration
#>  See `?tic::dsl_get` for details

#> ── tic configuration summary ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Stage: install ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  step_install_deps(dependencies=TRUE)
#>  step_session_info()
#> ── Stage: script ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  step_rcmdcheck(warnings_are_errors=NULL, notes_are_errors=NULL, args=NULL, build_args=NULL, error_on="warning", repos=repo_default(), timeout=Inf, check_dir="check")

#> ── tic configuration summary ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Stage: install ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  step_install_deps(dependencies=TRUE)
#>  step_session_info()
#> ── Stage: script ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  step_rcmdcheck(warnings_are_errors=NULL, notes_are_errors=NULL, args=NULL, build_args=NULL, error_on="warning", repos=repo_default(), timeout=Inf, check_dir="check")