This function selects patients who have had a start event and an end event of the users choosing so you can determine things like how long it takes to get a certain outcome. For example, how long does it take to get a patient into a fully squamous oesophagus after Barrett's ablation for dysplasia?
See also
Other Basic Analysis - Surveillance Functions:
# Firstly relevant columns are extrapolated from the
# Mypath demo dataset. These functions are all part of Histology data
# cleaning as part of the package.
v <- Mypath
v$NumBx <- HistolNumbOfBx(v$Macroscopicdescription, "specimen")
v$BxSize <- HistolBxSize(v$Macroscopicdescription)
# The histology is then merged with the Endoscopy dataset. The merge occurs
# according to date and Hospital number
v <- Endomerge2(
Myendo, "Dateofprocedure", "HospitalNumber", v, "Dateofprocedure",
# The function relies on the other Barrett's functions being run as well:
b1 <- Barretts_PragueScore(v, "Findings")
#> Warning: argument is not an atomic vector; coercing
b1$IMorNoIM <- Barretts_PathStage(b1, "Histology")
colnames(b1)[colnames(b1) == "pHospitalNum"] <- "HospitalNumber"
# The function groups the procedures by patient and gives
# all the procedures between
# the indicatorEvent amd the procedure just after the endpoint.
# Eg if the start is RFA and the
# endpoint is biopsies then it will give all RFA procedures and
# the first biopsy procedure
b1$EndoscopyEvent <- EndoscopyEvent(
b1, "Findings", "ProcedurePerformed",
"Macroscopicdescription", "Histology"
nn <- TimeToStatus(b1, "eHospitalNum", "EndoscopyEvent", "rfa", "dilat")