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Read files and convert them to cff objects. Files supported are:

  • CITATION.cff files.

  • DESCRIPTION files.

  • R citation files (usually located in inst/CITATION).

  • BibTeX files (with extension *.bib).

cff_read() would try to guess the type of file provided in path. However we provide a series of alias for each specific type of file:


cff_read(path, ...)

cff_read_cff_citation(path, ...)

  cff_version = "1.2.0",
  gh_keywords = TRUE,
  authors_roles = c("aut", "cre"),

cff_read_citation(path, meta = NULL, ...)

cff_read_bib(path, encoding = "UTF-8", ...)



Path to a file.


Arguments to be passed to other functions (i.e. to yaml::read_yaml(), bibtex::read.bib(), etc.).


The Citation File Format schema version that the CITATION.cff file adheres to for providing the citation metadata.


Logical TRUE/FALSE. If the package is hosted on GitHub, would you like to add the repo topics as keywords?


Roles to be considered as authors of the package when generating the CITATION.cff file. See Details.


A list of package metadata as obtained by utils::packageDescription() or NULL (the default). See Details.


Encoding to be assumed for path. See readLines().


  • cff_read_cff_citation() and cff_read_description() returns a object with class cff.

  • cff_read_citation() and cff_read_bib() returns an object of classes cff_ref_lst, cff according to the definitions.references specified in the Citation File Format schema.

Learn more about the cffr class system in cff_class.


For details of cff_read_description() see cff_create().

The meta object

Section 1.9 CITATION files of Writing R Extensions (R Core Team 2023) specifies how to create dynamic CITATION files using meta object, hence the meta argument in cff_read_citation() may be needed for reading some files correctly.


See also

The underlying functions used for reading external files:

Other functions for reading external files: cff_read_bib_text()

Other functions for working with BibTeX format: as_bibentry(), cff_read_bib_text(), cff_write_bib(), encoded_utf_to_latex()


# Create cff object from cff file

from_cff_file <- cff_read(system.file("examples/CITATION_basic.cff",
  package = "cffr"

head(from_cff_file, 7)
#> cff-version: 1.2.0
#> message: If you use this software in your research, please cite it as below.
#> title: cff-validator
#> abstract: Validate your repository's CITATION.cff file using R software
#> authors:
#> - family-names: Hernangómez
#>   given-names: Diego
#>   orcid:
#> license: MIT
#> repository-code:

# Create cff object from DESCRIPTION
from_desc <- cff_read(system.file("examples/DESCRIPTION_basic",
  package = "cffr"

#> cff-version: 1.2.0
#> message: 'To cite package "basicdesc" in publications use:'
#> type: software
#> title: 'basicdesc: A Basic Description'
#> version: 0.1.6
#> authors:
#> - family-names: Basic
#>   given-names: Marc
#>   email:
#> abstract: A very basic description. Should parse without problems.
#> repository-code:
#> url:
#> contact:
#> - family-names: Basic
#>   given-names: Marc
#>   email:
#> license: GPL-3.0-only

# Create cff object from BibTex

if (requireNamespace("bibtex", quietly = TRUE)) {
  from_bib <- cff_read(system.file("examples/example.bib",
    package = "cffr"

  # First item only
#> type: generic
#> title: Citation File Format
#> authors:
#> - family-names: Druskat
#>   given-names: Stephan
#> - family-names: Spaaks
#>   given-names: Jurriaan H.
#> - family-names: Chue Hong
#>   given-names: Neil
#> - family-names: Haines
#>   given-names: Robert
#> - family-names: Baker
#>   given-names: James
#> - family-names: Bliven
#>   given-names: Spencer
#> - family-names: Willighagen
#>   given-names: Egon
#> - family-names: Pérez-Suárez
#>   given-names: David
#> - family-names: Konovalov
#>   given-names: Alexander
#> year: '2021'
#> month: '8'
#> doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5171937
#> url:
#> date-accessed: '2021-11-07'
#> copyright: CC-BY-4.0
#> abstract: The Citation File Format lets you provide citation metadata for software
#>   or datasets in plaintext files that are easy to read by both humans and machines.
# Create cff object from CITATION
from_citation <- cff_read(system.file("CITATION", package = "cffr"))

# First item only
#> type: article
#> title: 'cffr: Generate Citation File Format Metadata for R Packages'
#> authors:
#> - family-names: Hernangómez
#>   given-names: Diego
#> doi: 10.21105/joss.03900
#> url:
#> year: '2021'
#> publisher:
#>   name: The Open Journal
#> volume: '6'
#> issue: '67'
#> journal: Journal of Open Source Software
#> start: '3900'