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Export R objects representing citations to specific file types:

  • cff_write_bib() creates a .bib file.

  • cff_write_citation() creates a R citation file as explained in Section 1.9 CITATION files of Writing R Extensions (R Core Team 2023).


  file = tempfile(fileext = ".bib"),
  append = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  ascii = FALSE,

  file = tempfile("CITATION_"),
  append = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A bibentry or a cff object.


Name of the file to be created. If NULL it would display the lines to be written.


Whether to append the entries to an existing file or not.


Display informative messages


Whether to write the entries using ASCII characters only or not.


Arguments passed on to as_bibentry.cff, as_bibentry.cff_ref, as_bibentry.cff_ref_lst


Fields to extract from a full cff object. The value could be:

  • preferred: This would create a single entry with the main citation info of the package (key preferred-citation).

  • references: Extract all the entries of references key.

  • all: A combination of the previous two options. This would extract both the preferred-citation and the references key.

See vignette("crosswalk", package = "cffr").


Writes the corresponding file specified on the file parameter.


When x is a cff object it would be converted to Bibtex using toBibtex.cff().

For security reasons, if the file already exists the function would create a backup copy on the same directory.


See also

vignette("bibtex_cff", "cffr"), knitr::write_bib() and the following packages:

Other functions for working with BibTeX format: as_bibentry(), cff_read(), cff_read_bib_text(), encoded_utf_to_latex()

Other functions for creating external files: cff_write()


bib <- bibentry("Misc",
  title = "My title",
  author = "Fran Pérez"

my_temp_bib <- tempfile(fileext = ".bib")

cff_write_bib(bib, file = my_temp_bib)
#>  Writing 4 entries ...
#>  Results written to /tmp/RtmpZ2altQ/fileb5130362dba.bib

cat(readLines(my_temp_bib), sep = "\n")
#> @Misc{,
#>   title = {My title},
#>   author = {Fran Pérez},
#> }

cff_write_bib(bib, file = my_temp_bib, ascii = TRUE, append = TRUE)
#>  Creating a backup of /tmp/RtmpZ2altQ/fileb5130362dba.bib in /tmp/RtmpZ2altQ/fileb5130362dba.bib.bk1
#>  Writing 4 entries ...
#>  Results written to /tmp/RtmpZ2altQ/fileb5130362dba.bib

cat(readLines(my_temp_bib), sep = "\n")
#> @Misc{,
#>   title = {My title},
#>   author = {Fran Pérez},
#> }
#> @Misc{,
#>   title = {My title},
#>   author = {Fran P{\'e}rez},
#> }

# Create a CITATION file

# Use a system file
f <- system.file("examples/preferred-citation-book.cff", package = "cffr")
a_cff <- cff_read(f)

out <- file.path(tempdir(), "CITATION")
cff_write_citation(a_cff, file = out)
#>  Writing 1 entry ...
#>  Results written to /tmp/RtmpZ2altQ/CITATION

# Check by reading, use meta object
meta <- packageDescription("cffr")
meta$Encoding <- "UTF-8"

utils::readCitationFile(out, meta)
#> To cite package ‘cffr’ in publications use:
#>   Bueler E (2021). _PETSc for Partial Differential Equations: Numerical
#>   Solutions in C and Python_. SIAM Press, Philadelphia. ISBN
#>   978111976304, <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Book{bueler:2021,
#>     title = {PETSc for Partial Differential Equations: Numerical Solutions in C and Python},
#>     author = {Ed Bueler},
#>     year = {2021},
#>     publisher = {SIAM Press},
#>     address = {Philadelphia},
#>     isbn = {978111976304},
#>     url = {},
#>   }