Add a sobol2007 simdesign to a nl object
- nl
nl object with a defined experiment
- samples
number of samples for the sobol sensitivity analysis
- sobolnboot
number of bootstrap replicates of the sobol sensitivity analysis
- sobolconf
the confidence level for bootstrap confidence intervals
- nseeds
number of seeds for this simulation design
- precision
number of digits for the decimal fraction of parameter values
This function creates a simdesign S4 class which can be added to a nl object.
Variables in the experiment variable list need to provide a numeric distribution with min, max and qfun (e.g. list(min=1, max=4, qfun="qunif")).
The sobol2007 simdesign uses the sensitivity package to set up a sobol2007 sensitivity analysis, including a simobject of class sobol and a input tibble for simulations. For details on method specific sensitivity analysis function parameters see ?sobol2007 Finally, the function reports a simdesign object.
# To attach a simdesign, a nl object needs to be created first (see ?nl).
# For this example, we load a nl object from test data.
nl <- nl_sobol2007
nl@simdesign <- simdesign_sobol2007(nl=nl,
#> Creating sobol2007 simulation design