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  pid = get_default_pid(),
  did = "",
  eid = "",
  url = get_default_url(),
  un = get_default_un(),
  pw = get_default_pw(),
  retries = get_retries(),
  odkc_version = get_default_odkc_version(),
  orders = get_default_orders(),
  tz = get_default_tz()



The numeric ID of the project, e.g.: 2.

Default: get_default_pid.

Set default pid through ru_setup(pid="...").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


(chr) The name of the Entity List, internally called Dataset. The function will error if this parameter is not given. Default: "".


(chr) The UUID of an Entity, which can be retrieved by entity_list(). The function will error if this parameter is not given. Default: "".


The ODK Central base URL without trailing slash.

Default: get_default_url.

Set default url through ru_setup(url="...").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The ODK Central username (an email address). Default: get_default_un. Set default un through ru_setup(un="..."). See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The ODK Central password. Default: get_default_pw. Set default pw through ru_setup(pw="..."). See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The number of attempts to retrieve a web resource.

This parameter is given to RETRY(times = retries).

Default: 3.


The ODK Central version as a semantic version string (year.minor.patch), e.g. "2023.5.1". The version is shown on ODK Central's version page /version.txt. Discard the "v". ruODK uses this parameter to adjust for breaking changes in ODK Central.

Default: get_default_odkc_version or "2023.5.1" if unset.

Set default get_default_odkc_version through ru_setup(odkc_version="2023.5.1").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


(vector of character) Orders of datetime elements for lubridate.

Default: c("YmdHMS", "YmdHMSz", "Ymd HMS", "Ymd HMSz", "Ymd", "ymd").


A timezone to convert dates and times to.

Read vignette("setup", package = "ruODK") to learn how ruODK's timezone can be set globally or per function.


A list with the key "success" (lgl) indicating whether the entity was deleted.


This function soft-deletes one Entity, , which means it is still in Central's database and you can retrieve it via entity_list(deleted=TRUE).


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# See vignette("setup") for setup and authentication options
# ruODK::ru_setup(svc = "....svc", un = "", pw = "...")

el <- entitylist_list()

# Entity List name (dataset ID, did)
did <- el$name[1]

# All Entities of Entity List
en <- entity_list(did = did)

# View details of one Entity
ed <- entity_detail(did = did, eid = en$uuid[1])

# Delete the Entity
ed_deleted <- entity_delete(did = did, eid = ed$id)
} # }