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  pid = get_default_pid(),
  url = get_default_url(),
  un = get_default_un(),
  pw = get_default_pw(),
  retries = get_retries(),
  odkc_version = get_default_odkc_version(),
  orders = c("YmdHMS", "YmdHMSz", "Ymd HMS", "Ymd HMSz", "Ymd", "ymd"),
  tz = get_default_tz()



The numeric ID of the project, e.g.: 2.

Default: get_default_pid.

Set default pid through ru_setup(pid="...").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The ODK Central base URL without trailing slash.

Default: get_default_url.

Set default url through ru_setup(url="...").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The ODK Central username (an email address). Default: get_default_un. Set default un through ru_setup(un="..."). See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The ODK Central password. Default: get_default_pw. Set default pw through ru_setup(pw="..."). See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The number of attempts to retrieve a web resource.

This parameter is given to RETRY(times = retries).

Default: 3.


The ODK Central version as a semantic version string (year.minor.patch), e.g. "2023.5.1". The version is shown on ODK Central's version page /version.txt. Discard the "v". ruODK uses this parameter to adjust for breaking changes in ODK Central.

Default: get_default_odkc_version or "2023.5.1" if unset.

Set default get_default_odkc_version through ru_setup(odkc_version="2023.5.1").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


(vector of character) Orders of datetime elements for lubridate.

Default: c("YmdHMS", "YmdHMSz", "Ymd HMS", "Ymd HMSz", "Ymd", "ymd").


A timezone to convert dates and times to.

Read vignette("setup", package = "ruODK") to learn how ruODK's timezone can be set globally or per function.


A tibble with exactly one row for each dataset of the given project as per ODK Central API docs. Column names are renamed from ODK's camelCase to snake_case.


While the API endpoint will return all Entity Lists for one Project, entitylist_list will fail with incorrect or missing authentication.

An Entity List is a named collection of Entities that have the same properties. An Entity List can be linked to Forms as Attachments. This will make it available to clients as an automatically-updating CSV.

ODK Central calls Entity Lists internally Datasets. ruODK chooses the term Entity Lists as it is used in the ODK Central user interface and conveys its relation to Entities better than the term Dataset.

This function is supported from ODK Central v2022.3 and will warn if the given odkc_version is lower.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# See vignette("setup") for setup and authentication options
# ruODK::ru_setup(svc = "....svc", un = "", pw = "...")

ds <- entitylist_list(pid = get_default_pid())

ds |> knitr::kable()
} # }