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This vignette provides a guided walk-through of the “getting data out” functions of the RESTful API endpoints which list and view details.

ruODK users would mix and match parts of the demonstrated workflows to build their own data pipelines, e.g.:

  • to build a quick analysis from all data, freshly downloaded from a smaller project, or
  • to build an interactive ETL pipeline to selectively download only new submissions for further processing and upload into downstream data warehouses.

A typical and more stream-lined workflow is provided in the RMarkdown template “ODK Central via OData” which is supplied by ruODK.

Three ways to happiness

ODK Central offers no less than three different ways to access data:

  • viewing ODK Central data in MS PowerBI, MS Excel, Tableau, or ruODK through the OData service endpoints, or
  • downloading all submissions including attachments as one (possibly gigantic) zip archive either through the “Export Submissions” button in the ODK Central form submissions page or through ruODK, or
  • viewing ODK Central data through ruODK’s RESTful API functions.

While the vignette("odata", package="ruODK") (online here) illustrates the first option, this vignette demonstrates the remaining two.

Not implemented (yet) are the “managing ODK Central” functions which create, update, and delete projects, forms, users, roles, and permissions. We haven’t yet found a strong use case to automate those functions - ODK Central (driven by humans) does those jobs beautifully on an expected scale.

Setup ruODK

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK") for detailed options to configure ruODK.

Here, we’ll grab the OData service URL from the form used in this vignette, plus username and password of a web user of ODK Central with access to that form.

ruODK::ru_setup() will populate the default url, project ID, and form ID which are used by ruODK’s other functions (unless specified otherwise).

# ruODK::ru_setup(
#   svc = "Form OData Service URL",
#   un = Sys.getenv("ODKC_TEST_UN"),
#   pw = Sys.getenv("ODKC_TEST_PW"),
#   tz = "Australia/Perth",
#   verbose = TRUE
# )
t <- fs::dir_create("media")


List projects. We see the project ID, a name, the number of forms and app users, dates of last form submissions plus project management timestamps (created, updated).

The important bit here is the project ID.

fq_project_list <- ruODK::project_list()
fq_project_list %>% knitr::kable(.)
id name description archived key_id created_at updated_at deleted_at verbs forms app_users datasets last_submission last_entity
1 ruODK package tests Forms and submissions used for ruODK package tests. FALSE NA 2023-08-04T01:47:13.622Z 2023-12-03T07:21:07.280Z NA , assignment.create , assignment.delete , assignment.list , , , , config.set , dataset.list , , dataset.update , entity.create , entity.list , , entity.update , field_key.create , field_key.delete , field_key.list , form.create , form.delete , form.list , , form.restore , form.update , project.create , project.delete , , project.update , public_link.create , public_link.delete , public_link.list , , public_link.update , role.create , role.delete , role.update , session.end , submission.create , submission.list , , submission.update , user.create , user.delete , user.list , user.password.invalidate, , user.update 13 2 0 2024-03-04T07:08:52.813Z NA
2 ruODK package tests encrypted NA FALSE 1 2023-08-04T01:47:41.258Z 2024-03-04T07:04:18.715Z NA , assignment.create , assignment.delete , assignment.list , , , , config.set , dataset.list , , dataset.update , entity.create , entity.list , , entity.update , field_key.create , field_key.delete , field_key.list , form.create , form.delete , form.list , , form.restore , form.update , project.create , project.delete , , project.update , public_link.create , public_link.delete , public_link.list , , public_link.update , role.create , role.delete , role.update , session.end , submission.create , submission.list , , submission.update , user.create , user.delete , user.list , user.password.invalidate, , user.update 1 1 0 2024-03-04T07:06:16.788Z NA
3 Sandbox NA FALSE NA 2023-08-04T01:47:50.572Z NA NA , assignment.create , assignment.delete , assignment.list , , , , config.set , dataset.list , , dataset.update , entity.create , entity.list , , entity.update , field_key.create , field_key.delete , field_key.list , form.create , form.delete , form.list , , form.restore , form.update , project.create , project.delete , , project.update , public_link.create , public_link.delete , public_link.list , , public_link.update , role.create , role.delete , role.update , session.end , submission.create , submission.list , , submission.update , user.create , user.delete , user.list , user.password.invalidate, , user.update 1 0 0 NA NA

Inspect a project using its ID. We receive a tibble with exactly one row, all the columns of ruODK::project_list plus a column verbs, which contains all available API actions for a project.

fq_project_detail <- ruODK::project_detail()
# Project details (without verbs)
fq_project_detail %>%
  dplyr::select(-"verbs") %>%
id name forms app_users last_submission created_at updated_at archived
1 ruODK package tests 13 2 2024-03-04T07:08:52.813Z 2023-08-04T01:47:13.622Z 2023-12-03T07:21:07.280Z FALSE

# Available verbs
fq_project_detail$verbs[[1]] %>% unlist(.)
#>  [1] ""              "field_key.create"        
#>  [3] "field_key.delete"         "field_key.list"          
#>  [5] "form.create"              "form.delete"             
#>  [7] "form.list"                ""               
#>  [9] "form.update"              "project.create"          
#> [11] "project.delete"           ""            
#> [13] "project.update"           "session.end"             
#> [15] "submission.create"        ""         
#> [17] "submission.list"          "user.create"             
#> [19] "user.list"                "user.password.invalidate"
#> [21] ""                "user.update"             
#> [23] "submission.update"        "role.create"             
#> [25] "role.update"              "role.delete"             
#> [27] "assignment.list"          "assignment.create"       
#> [29] "assignment.delete"        "user.delete"             
#> [31] ""               "public_link.create"      
#> [33] "public_link.list"         ""        
#> [35] "public_link.update"       "public_link.delete"      
#> [37] ""               "config.set"              
#> [39] ""           "form.restore"            
#> [41] "dataset.list"             "entity.list"             
#> [43] ""             ""             
#> [45] "entity.create"            "entity.update"           
#> [47] "dataset.update"

Nothing apart from the verbs is new compared to the data returned by ruODK::project_list.

To learn more about the functionality behind the verbs, refer to the interactive ODK Central API documentation.

To retrieve data from ODK Central, the functions shown below will suffice.


List forms for a project

To download form submissions, we need to know project ID and form ID.

There are several ways of retrieving the form ID:

  • Browsing forms in the ODK Central’s project overviews,
  • Stealing the form ID from the OData service endpoint URL as shown on ODK Central’s form submission page,
  • Listing form metadata for a given project ID with ruODK::form_list().
fq_form_list <- ruODK::form_list()
fq_form_list %>% knitr::kable(.)
project_id xml_form_id state enketo_id enketo_once_id created_at updated_at key_id version hash sha sha256 draft_token published_at name submissions entity_related review_states_received review_states_has_issues review_states_edited last_submission excel_content_type created_by_id created_by_type created_by_display_name created_by_created_at created_by_updated_at created_by_deleted_at fid
1 burn_grading_forest open WKA7p8XRttHcS89tVdwuIFHNlAWJHfS 04f0c916ad25ac1aeaa33316520f7aae2099bbdbd862bd77b1845b1f807e2a26 2023-08-09 11:14:17 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 2023.1.1 5be80a0e66f1238ec7ac9a21237a8867 c063c0f32f92f4020fcebee694cdde8baf91dfc6 1e6ed61493b88328a7458d720d87688ccd6034e7601986fe3ccdb1c06ec72e50 NA 2023-08-09 11:26:31 Burn Grading Forest 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2023-08-09T05:09:55.750Z application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA burn_grading_forest
1 burn_grading_heath open 7WX4lTXqmeet7CHz8jjwLOc0EEmISkl 2123c75dd4250401fcfee5abb7ddd24ba92cb5c00d84bcda1304a3454df0ba74 2023-08-09 11:17:02 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 2023.1.0 4f9a8b2d9b3eb1243f158d92567df956 ee591e640b97b2114a83ae20d90c40f3982f3091 8939811d509f09989be67d6b9e2988cc80ffff44b31727e269cce05d71699b23 NA 2023-08-09 11:23:56 Burn Grading Heath 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2023-08-09T05:13:06.566Z application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA burn_grading_heath
1 burn_grading_verify open iQyzGfu0OspiuOMTlzM4HCbqkLWQRx8 20acaacf05e7275ef74ba9ef52d14743c6754c03bc090a2cbf5aace293987a55 2023-08-09 11:50:37 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 2023.1.3 f3879cdd1087ea3d950dabb3bd91d96f b6c0d1ba1043de79fac80d92f563c403e94adffc 18d3e9210590979a7bfbe34f528410432683cec1b59618fcd69c8f0b50575410 NA 2023-08-09 15:34:50 Burn Grading Verify 1 FALSE 0 0 0 2023-08-09T05:14:09.891Z application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA burn_grading_verify
1 Flora-Quadrat-04 open t2fdSUXiyPboismgJValMrie7hal5YF 2609a277d7f47e53c69424514de96ca298d25586e49c990b299cbc189478e7ec 2023-12-03 15:02:20 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 434ff9e1e33fc8bb35148c0cc6979708 206cf55b28adcd82db91bc5c11012524654c5bd1 bb3b86a93ab3f6f5a16a6daa693c19a0c04f3deb68e50cf1bacd7c37efd9024a NA 2023-12-03 15:02:27 Flora Quadrat 0.4 1 FALSE 0 0 0 2023-12-04T08:30:26.154Z NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA Flora-Quadrat-04
1 Flora-Quadrat-04-gap open 7UzBNe95jXhdfqqG2JTmEG7mhQHoKQ1 040a5a743b5c1f8e78d4021df766b7228a5f481fbf7a959944d52d36299fde2b 2023-12-03 15:09:55 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 241c4759564ea039b4404b6892025500 61f5d1694e8866f6468ba6a2ff1c286226a66898 9504ab3daa2bf99270a7d4046c636a15c1972cdd93df388e936ad78411d619d9 NA 2023-12-03 15:10:05 Flora Quadrat 0.4 (gap) 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2024-03-04T07:08:52.813Z NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA Flora-Quadrat-04-gap
1 Flora-Quadrat-04-att open 0cuZcMAa1kemse3CFaws0ePH7hR0UPj abf4f5edfb84342553f98177367167669c77b0155dd951ee4ddcb62e35cb917d 2023-12-03 15:09:43 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 2cb6a4b3d7f05ab055f3da89d0958b14 c130067ce8f7940acf807e74a433fa2ec3545995 7b251e39369d48401ff4205ea0faf6b7bd1e04e5b8acb9f7b638b51459a22b94 NA 2023-12-03 15:09:46 Flora Quadrat 0.4 (one att) 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2023-12-03T07:45:07.801Z NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA Flora-Quadrat-04-att
1 I8n_label_choices open bRT4lNCag0T0ASSJKJ8pHjNTCTFTO4s dbc21554352efe46948676b230b7c1abf8c5b1fcb25106109ae9dd6288b82fb5 2023-12-03 15:03:14 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 14e3449067ec33efd82067a546c6554d e190b678274da24e1ceb66f1de6d842550c29a5f 4a7185f3ef411eb8749dbd9b540b811fffdec0572639425f0f7920ac9e9d09d9 NA 2023-12-03 15:03:18 I8n label and choices 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2023-12-04T08:30:56.757Z NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA I8n_label_choices
1 I8n_label_lng open 9sPuYNXpeZMnU7heWvoowMztz5Y93gH 721e3c286e1b279a8885e3a443eb41335fdf310eed95b69a3424167e0c6ab8a5 2023-12-03 15:03:31 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 6932ca6e75078cae86b9eaec119abad0 60e1ef208de91be00138f2c911da09dabb34e366 c57f1a1d5f5f44fc119ceaa1c4db684f8159b3d9783a540e40dce3654299da19 NA 2023-12-03 15:03:51 I8n label lang 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2023-12-04T08:31:29.169Z NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA I8n_label_lng
1 I8n_lang_choicefilter open orpw5UXdq6Jym3aQg7IPwFnw4oRWYNL 3072a8269c47b18ab49baa79bff29976e7700c0603daf5c2d99590dda62d63af 2023-12-03 15:06:32 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 02cc779cbc7ff0a136de77b7f7b8135d fee1eb0b77aa5442885e231d4126f32aeb202040 d842d8e9deb83bbf3475ef5e157286ca311f6cdf2cafebee04638d860489e39d NA 2023-12-03 15:06:36 I8n label lang with choice filter 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2023-12-04T08:32:30.641Z application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA I8n_lang_choicefilter
1 I8n_no_lang_choicefilter open mByFnZbERATLDRmmksDYBqD1Rqz8Eab 1f73b6265b220ed01499c97b0e21eed07ed30bffa7a206b54700887aeacb669f 2023-12-03 15:09:17 2023-12-03 15:19:38 NA fc5d8a6c19662445b890a1165bde6810 a58e58f13df3a56dfbc538b5210fa3f3cfe39bbe 0e647b8099d3bb84aa548b24a23b2b7f0383ff6a350bdeebf7adbeb8de61bfe7 NA 2023-12-03 15:19:38 I8n label no lang with choice filter 1 FALSE 1 0 0 2023-12-04T08:35:23.748Z application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA I8n_no_lang_choicefilter
1 Locations open NT1E6p5HlknfdSW2VttaKgjb8DctRqy bdf9c1c0dc5f1a607ae7d10ac4a4182c996030a2ac286b45c317cad6b23d8acd 2023-12-03 15:02:45 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA 7365cf1fdad8d6c0ae7351bc05ecc2f2 784e30dc8daeb89b2b5680723cf520314843cba4 d368f86c1e33b5682e10d7b9d7753e7edf6a35086bf6688945a281996cd30094 NA 2023-12-03 15:02:48 Locations 1 FALSE 0 0 0 2023-12-04T08:38:52.712Z NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA Locations
1 Locations_draft open itxB8ymLuT8YNq7Dx6tO5GUUpNCwq4H NA 2023-12-03 15:10:14 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA d1701aad460c192c2fc97eb10241e350 d7726b5ecf5311e65730e0aa51afa61b93284ce8 3c26873d0450f32f5dac86f6a52f5248a2eb97800e78d98adb4c7a2f2d8334bc itexle5sIMlJkDlfzz3yW8pw2gJ4dwdWbT8F8utpK$g5hA7klBPyiuuoxw4zddqN NA Locations (draft) 0 FALSE 0 0 0 NA NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA Locations_draft
1 Locations_no_submissions open LWKvSaSk7Qa2FHFmNVf4AAuxqSH9zss 74e225cac7e93d106d30c319d7ed72c0187651526c7756c54baf5ff7376ca116 2023-12-03 15:10:32 2023-12-03 15:19:34 NA eb7caf4e3994b953999165ddfdb6eb3b ae23fca247232b723073e5d842944172c77bd110 21e7b36f8fca61aae069e4ce7483549a97b915453a37f1436cd32882d23eeb3b NA 2023-12-03 15:10:35 Locations (no submissions) 0 FALSE 0 0 0 NA NA 6 user Florian Mayer 2023-06-30 04:23:51 2023-08-10 09:41:29 NA Locations_no_submissions

Further to the metadata shown here, a column xml contains the entire XForms definition (originally XML) as nested list.

If the original XML is needed rather than the R equivalent (nested list), we can use ruODK::form_xml with parameter parse=FALSE:

fq_form_xml <- ruODK::form_xml(parse = FALSE)
if (require(listviewer)) {
} else {
  ru_msg_warn("Install package listviewer to browse the form XML.")
#> Loading required package: listviewer

Inspect form schema

The form_schema represents all form fields of the XForms definition.

See the ODK Central API docs and the examples of ??ruODK::form_schema() for more detail.

fq_form_schema <- ruODK::form_schema()
fq_form_schema %>% knitr::kable(.)
path name type binary selectMultiple ruodk_name
/meta meta structure NA NA meta
/meta/instanceID instanceID string NA NA meta_instance_id
/encounter_start_datetime encounter_start_datetime dateTime NA NA encounter_start_datetime
/reporter reporter string NA NA reporter
/device_id device_id string NA NA device_id
/location location structure NA NA location
/location/area_name area_name string NA NA location_area_name
/location/quadrat_photo quadrat_photo binary TRUE NA location_quadrat_photo
/location/corner1 corner1 geopoint NA NA location_corner1
/habitat habitat structure NA NA habitat
/habitat/morphological_type morphological_type select1 NA NA habitat_morphological_type
/habitat/morphological_type_photo morphological_type_photo binary TRUE NA habitat_morphological_type_photo
/vegetation_stratum vegetation_stratum repeat NA NA vegetation_stratum
/vegetation_stratum/nvis_level3_broad_floristic_group nvis_level3_broad_floristic_group select1 NA NA vegetation_stratum_nvis_level3_broad_floristic_group
/vegetation_stratum/max_height_m max_height_m decimal NA NA vegetation_stratum_max_height_m
/vegetation_stratum/foliage_cover foliage_cover select1 NA NA vegetation_stratum_foliage_cover
/vegetation_stratum/dominant_species_1 dominant_species_1 string NA NA vegetation_stratum_dominant_species_1
/vegetation_stratum/dominant_species_2 dominant_species_2 string NA NA vegetation_stratum_dominant_species_2
/vegetation_stratum/dominant_species_3 dominant_species_3 string NA NA vegetation_stratum_dominant_species_3
/vegetation_stratum/dominant_species_4 dominant_species_4 string NA NA vegetation_stratum_dominant_species_4
/perimeter perimeter structure NA NA perimeter
/perimeter/corner2 corner2 geopoint NA NA perimeter_corner2
/perimeter/corner3 corner3 geopoint NA NA perimeter_corner3
/perimeter/corner4 corner4 geopoint NA NA perimeter_corner4
/perimeter/mudmap_photo mudmap_photo binary TRUE NA perimeter_mudmap_photo
/taxon_encounter taxon_encounter repeat NA NA taxon_encounter
/taxon_encounter/field_name field_name string NA NA taxon_encounter_field_name
/taxon_encounter/photo_in_situ photo_in_situ binary TRUE NA taxon_encounter_photo_in_situ
/taxon_encounter/taxon_encounter_location taxon_encounter_location geopoint NA NA taxon_encounter_taxon_encounter_location
/taxon_encounter/life_form life_form select1 NA NA taxon_encounter_life_form
/taxon_encounter/voucher_specimen_barcode voucher_specimen_barcode barcode NA NA taxon_encounter_voucher_specimen_barcode
/taxon_encounter/voucher_specimen_label voucher_specimen_label string NA NA taxon_encounter_voucher_specimen_label
/encounter_end_datetime encounter_end_datetime dateTime NA NA encounter_end_datetime

Show details of one form

The details of a form are exactly the same as the output of ruODK::form_list().

fq_form_detail <- ruODK::form_detail()
fq_form_detail %>% knitr::kable(.)
name fid version state submissions created_at created_by_id created_by updated_at published_at last_submission hash
Flora Quadrat 0.4 Flora-Quadrat-04 open 1 2023-12-03T07:02:20.258Z 6 Florian Mayer 2023-12-03T07:19:34.956Z 2023-12-03T07:02:27.957Z 2023-12-04T08:30:26.154Z 434ff9e1e33fc8bb35148c0cc6979708


We are getting closer to the actual data! This section shows two of the options for data access: dump all submissions, or extract a subset.

Get all submissions for one form

Smaller datasets lend themselves to be exported in one go. ODK Central offers one giant zip file containing all submissions, any repeating groups, and any attachments both on the form submission page, and as API endpoint which is provided as ruODK::submission_export().

The default behaviour of ruODK::submission_export() is to write the zip file to the project root (here::here()), and to overwrite existing previous downloads. See ?ruODK::submission_export() for alternative download and retention options.

In the following chuck, we illustrate common tasks:

  • Download the zip file.
  • Unpack the zip file.
  • Join repeating form group data data_taxon to main data data_quadrat to annotate data_taxon with data from data_quadrat.
  • Sanitise the column names.
  • Prepend all attachment filenames (e.g. data_quadrat$location_quadrat_photo, data_taxon$photo_in_situ) with media/.
# Predict filenames (with knowledge of form)
fid <- ruODK::get_test_fid()
fid_csv <- fs::path(t, glue::glue("{fid}.csv"))
fid_csv_veg <- fs::path(t, glue::glue("{fid}-vegetation_stratum.csv"))
fid_csv_tae <- fs::path(t, glue::glue("{fid}-taxon_encounter.csv"))

# Download the zip file
se <- ruODK::submission_export(local_dir = t, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)

# Unpack the zip file
f <- unzip(se, exdir = t)

# Prepend attachments with media/ to turn into relative file paths
fq_zip_data <- fid_csv %>%
  readr::read_csv(na = c("", "NA", "na")) %>% # form uses "na" for NA
  janitor::clean_names(.) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(id = meta_instance_id) %>%
  ruODK::handle_ru_datetimes(fq_form_schema) %>%
  ruODK::handle_ru_geopoints(fq_form_schema) %>%

fq_zip_strata <- fid_csv_veg %>%
  readr::read_csv(na = c("", "NA", "na")) %>%
  janitor::clean_names(.) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(id = parent_key) %>%
  # ruODK::handle_ru_datetimes(fq_form_schema) parent_key%>% # no dates
  # ruODK::handle_ru_geopoints(fq_form_schema) %>%  # no geopoints
  # ruODK::ruODK::attachment_link(fq_form_schema) %>% # no att.
  dplyr::left_join(fq_zip_data, by = c("parent_key" = "meta_instance_id"))

fq_zip_taxa <- fid_csv_tae %>%
  readr::read_csv(na = c("", "NA", "na")) %>%
  janitor::clean_names(.) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(id = parent_key) %>%
  # ruODK::handle_ru_datetimes(fq_form_schema) %>%
  # ruODK::handle_ru_geopoints(fq_form_schema) %>%
  # ruODK::ruODK::attachment_link(fq_form_schema) %>%
  dplyr::left_join(fq_zip_data, by = c("parent_key" = "meta_instance_id"))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 38
#>   submission_date     meta_instance_id encounter_start_date…¹ reporter device_id
#>   <dttm>              <chr>            <dttm>                 <lgl>    <chr>    
#> 1 2023-12-04 08:30:26 uuid:46d3939a-8… 2023-12-04 16:20:19    NA       collect:…
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​encounter_start_datetime
#> # ℹ 33 more variables: location_area_name <chr>, location_quadrat_photo <chr>,
#> #   location_corner1_latitude <dbl>, location_corner1_longitude <dbl>,
#> #   location_corner1_altitude <dbl>, location_corner1_accuracy <dbl>,
#> #   habitat_morphological_type <chr>, habitat_morphological_type_photo <chr>,
#> #   perimeter_corner2_latitude <dbl>, perimeter_corner2_longitude <dbl>,
#> #   perimeter_corner2_altitude <dbl>, perimeter_corner2_accuracy <dbl>, …
#> # A tibble: 2 × 47
#>   nvis_level3_broad_floristic_gr…¹ max_height_m foliage_cover dominant_species_1
#>   <chr>                                   <dbl> <chr>         <chr>             
#> 1 w3.0_shrub                                  1 70-30         Test species 1    
#> 2 w1.1_trees_rainforest                       5 10-5          Test species 5    
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​nvis_level3_broad_floristic_group
#> # ℹ 43 more variables: dominant_species_2 <chr>, dominant_species_3 <chr>,
#> #   dominant_species_4 <chr>, parent_key <chr>, key.x <chr>, id.x <chr>,
#> #   submission_date <dttm>, encounter_start_datetime <dttm>, reporter <lgl>,
#> #   device_id <chr>, location_area_name <chr>, location_quadrat_photo <chr>,
#> #   location_corner1_latitude <dbl>, location_corner1_longitude <dbl>,
#> #   location_corner1_altitude <dbl>, location_corner1_accuracy <dbl>, …
#> # A tibble: 2 × 49
#>   field_name     photo_in_situ     taxon_encounter_loca…¹ taxon_encounter_loca…²
#>   <chr>          <chr>                              <dbl>                  <dbl>
#> 1 Test species 1 1701678535420.jpg                  -31.9                   116.
#> 2 Test species 6 1701678592627.jpg                  -31.9                   116.
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​taxon_encounter_location_latitude,
#> #   ²​taxon_encounter_location_longitude
#> # ℹ 45 more variables: taxon_encounter_location_altitude <dbl>,
#> #   taxon_encounter_location_accuracy <dbl>, life_form <chr>,
#> #   voucher_specimen_barcode <lgl>, voucher_specimen_label <dbl>,
#> #   parent_key <chr>, key.x <chr>, id.x <chr>, submission_date <dttm>,
#> #   encounter_start_datetime <dttm>, reporter <lgl>, device_id <chr>, …
# Further: create map with popups, see vignette "odata"

List submissions for one form

Not always is it appropriate to download all submissions and all attachments at once.

If forms feed into downstream data warehouses, the typical ETL workflow is to

  • List all submissions from ODK Central
  • Select the subset of new submissions to download, e.g.
    • Submissions younger than the oldest submission date in the data warehouse.
    • Submissions whose instance_id is not already present in the data warehouse.
  • Download only the selected submissions.
  • Download attachments of only the selected submissions.
fq_submission_list <- ruODK::submission_list()
fq_submission_list %>% knitr::kable(.)
instance_id submitter_id device_id created_at updated_at review_state user_agent submitter_id_2 submitter_type submitter_display_name submitter_created_at submitter_updated_at submitter_deleted_at current_version
uuid:46d3939a-8bc5-4084-9154-d043bc4d3239 12 collect:OHnydk6INUIfDHNl 2023-12-04 16:30:26 2024-03-05 13:29:54 approved Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 10; vivo 1937 Build/QP1A.190711.020) 12 field_key ruodk 2023-08-09 11:51:12 NA NA 12 , 2023-12-04T08:30:26.154Z , uuid:46d3939a-8bc5-4084-9154-d043bc4d3239 , TRUE , collect:OHnydk6INUIfDHNl , Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 10; vivo 1937 Build/QP1A.190711.020), 12 , field_key , ruodk , 2023-08-09T03:51:12.864Z

The list of submissions critically contains each submission’s unique ID in instance_id. If the submissions shall be downloaded and uploaded into another data warehouse, the instance_id can be used to determine whether a record already exists in the downstream warehouse or not. This workflow is preferable where the majority of submissions is already imported into another downstream data warehouse, and we only want to add new submissions, as in submissions which are not already imported into the data warehouse.

Furthermore, the instance_ids can now be used to retrieve the actual submissions.

Get submission data

In order to import each submission, we need to retrieve the data by instance_id.

# One submission
fq_one_submission <- ruODK::get_one_submission(

# Multiple submissions
fq_submissions <- ruODK::submission_get(fq_submission_list$instance_id)

Parse submissions

The data in sub is one row of the bulk downloaded submissions in data_quadrat. The data in submissions represents all (or let’s pretend, the selected) submissions in data_quadrat. The field xml contains the actual submission data including repeating groups.

The structure is different to the output of ruODK::odata_submission_get, therefore ruODK::odata_submission_rectangle does not work for those, as here we might have repeating groups included in a submission.

This structure could be used for upload into data warehouses accepting nested data as e.g. JSON.

if (requireNamespace("listviewer")) {
  listviewer::jsonedit(fq_submissions, mode = "code")
} else {
  ru_msg_info("Please install package listviewer!")


The approach shown here yields nested and stand-alone records, which is useful if the subsequent use requires records in nested JSON or XML format. Complex forms with repeating sub-groups will result in highly nested lists, whose structure heavily depends on the completeness of the submissions.

The other approach shown in vignette("odata-api", package="ruODK") yields rectangled data in several normalised tables, which is useful for analysis and visualisation.