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vis_expect visualises certain conditions or values in your data. For example, If you are not sure whether to expect -1 in your data, you could write: vis_expect(data, ~.x == -1), and you can see if there are times where the values in your data are equal to -1. You could also, for example, explore a set of bad strings, or possible NA values and visualise where they are using vis_expect(data, ~.x %in% bad_strings) where bad_strings is a character vector containing bad strings like N A N/A etc.


vis_expect(data, expectation, show_perc = TRUE)



a data.frame


a formula following the syntax: ~.x {condition}. For example, writing ~.x < 20 would mean "where a variable value is less than 20, replace with NA", and ~.x %in% {vector} would mean "where a variable has values that are in that vector".


logical. TRUE now adds in the \ TRUE or FALSE in the whole dataset into the legend. Default value is TRUE.


a ggplot2 object


dat_test <- tibble::tribble(
            ~x, ~y,
            -1,  "A",
            0,  "B",
            1,  "C",
            NA, NA

vis_expect(dat_test, ~.x == -1)

vis_expect(airquality, ~.x == 5.1)

# explore some common NA strings

common_nas <- c(
"N A",
"n a",

dat_ms <- tibble::tribble(~x,  ~y,    ~z,
                         "1",   "A",   -100,
                         "3",   "N/A", -99,
                         "NA",  NA,    -98,
                         "N A", "E",   -101,
                         "na", "F",   -1)

vis_expect(dat_ms, ~.x %in% common_nas)