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Find nearby weather stations given geographic coordinates or a station code for both of the DPIRD and SILO weather station networks. Either a combination of latitude and longitude or station_code must be provided. A DPIRD API key is only necessary to search for stations in the DPIRD network. If you are not interested in DPIRD stations in Western Australia, you may use this function to query only SILO stations for all of Australia without using a key.


  longitude = NULL,
  latitude = NULL,
  station_code = NULL,
  distance_km = 100,
  api_key = NULL,
  which_api = "silo",
  include_closed = FALSE



A numeric value of longitude in decimal degree (DD) format. Optional and defaults to NULL. Required if station_code is not provided.


A numeric value of latitude in decimal degree (DD) format. Optional and defaults to NULL. Required if station_code is not provided.


A string with the station code for the station of interest. Optional and defaults to NULL. Required if longitude and latitude are not provided.


A numeric value for distance to limit the search from the station or location of interest. Defaults to 100 km.


A character string containing your API key from DPIRD,, for the DPIRD Weather 2.0 API. If left as NULL, defaults to automatically detecting your key from your local .Renviron, .Rprofile or similar. Alternatively, you may directly provide your key as a string here. If nothing is provided, you will be prompted on how to set up your R session so that it is auto-detected. Only used when which_api is DPIRD or all.


A string value that indicates which API to use. Defaults to silo only. Valid values are all, for both SILO (BOM) and DPIRD weather station networks; silo for only stations in the SILO network; or dpird for stations in the DPIRD network.


A Boolean value that indicates whether closed stations in the DPIRD network should be included in the results. Defaults to FALSE with closed stations not included.


A data.table::data.table() with station_code, station_name, latitude, longitude, elev_m, state, owner, and distance. Data are sorted by increasing distance from station or location of interest.


You can request your own API key from DPIRD for free by filling out the form found at


Rodrigo Pires,, and Adam H. Sparks,


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Note that queries to the DPIRD API require you to have your own API key.

# Query WA only stations and return DPIRD's stations nearest to the
# Northam, WA station, "NO", returning stations with 50 km of this station

wa_stn <- find_nearby_stations(
  station_code = "NO",
  distance_km = 50,
  api_key = "your_api_key",
  which_api = "dpird"

# Query stations nearest DPIRD's Northam, WA station, "NO" and return both
# DPIRD and SILO/BOM stations within 50 km of this station.

wa_stn <- find_nearby_stations(
  station_code = "NO",
  distance_km = 50,
  api_key = "your_api_key",
  which_api = "all"

# Query Wagga Wagga BOM station finding stations within 200 km of it, note
# that it is not necessary to provide an `api_key` for SILO queries of
# nearby stations.

wagga_stn <- find_nearby_stations(
  latitude = -35.1583,
  longitude = 147.4575,
  distance_km = 200,
  which_api = "silo"
} # }