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Given an sf polygon or a bounding box as a vector with the minimum and maximum longitude and latitude values, find DPIRD or BOM stations in the SILO network that fall within that defined area or the station nearest the centroid of the area of interest.


  centroid = FALSE,
  api_key = NULL,
  which_api = "all",
  include_closed = FALSE,
  crs = "EPSG:7844"



One of three types of object:

  • A Vector A four-digit vector defining a bounding box of the area of interest in this order, ‘xmin’, ‘ymin’, ‘xmax’, ‘ymax’, or

  • An object of class sf defining the area of interest.


Boolean A value of TRUE or FALSE indicating whether you want the centroid only to be used to find the nearest station to the centre of the area of interest. If “n” polygons are supplied, “n” stations are returned. Defaults to FALSE with all stations within the area of interest returned.


A character string containing your API key from DPIRD,, for the DPIRD Weather 2.0 API. If left as NULL, defaults to automatically detecting your key from your local .Renviron, .Rprofile or similar. Alternatively, you may directly provide your key as a string here. If nothing is provided, you will be prompted on how to set up your R session so that it is auto-detected. Only used when which_api is DPIRD or all.


A string value that indicates which API to use. Defaults to silo only. Valid values are all, for both SILO (BOM) and DPIRD weather station networks; silo for only stations in the SILO network; or dpird for stations in the DPIRD network.


A Boolean value that indicates whether closed stations in the DPIRD network should be included in the results. Defaults to FALSE with closed stations not included.


A string value that provides the coordinate reference system, AKA, "projection" to be used for the point extraction. Defaults to GDA 2020, EPSG:7844. NOTE This will override any crs value that your . polygon provides unless you specify it again here, e.g., crs = sf::st_crs(polygon_object_name).


a data.table object of weather station(s) within the defined area of interest in an unprojected format, EPSG:4326, WGS 84 – WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS format.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()

# using a (generous) bounding box for Melbourne, Vic using only the SILO API
# for BOM stations, so no API key is needed.

bbox <- find_stations_in(
  x = c(144.470215, -38.160476, 145.612793, -37.622934),
  which_api = "SILO",
  include_closed = TRUE

# Use the same bounding box but only find a single station nearest
# the centroid using only the SILO API for BOM stations

centroid <- find_stations_in(
  x = c(144.470215, -38.160476, 145.612793, -37.622934),
  which_api = "SILO",
  include_closed = TRUE,
  centroid = TRUE

# Use the `south_west_agricultural_region` data to fetch stations only in the
# south-western portion of WA and plot it with {ggplot2} showing open/closed
# stations just to be sure they're inside the area of interest.

# As this is in WA, we can use the DPIRD network, so we need our API key.
# Using the `south_west_agricultural_region` {sf} object provided.

sw_wa <- find_stations_in(
  x = south_west_agricultural_region,
  api_key = "your_api_key",
  include_closed = TRUE
