1. Introduction
is an R package for downloading and aggregating
data from public bicycle hire, or bike share, systems. Although there
are very many public bicycle hire systems in the world (see
this wikipedia list), relatively few openly publish data on system
usage. The bikedata
package aims to enable ready importing
of data from all systems which provide it, and will be expanded on an
ongoing basis as more systems publish open data. Cities and names of
associated public bicycle hire systems currently included in the
package, along with numbers of bikes and of
docking stations, are:
City | Hire Bicycle System | Number of Bicycles | Number of Docking Stations |
London, U.K. | Santander Cycles | 13,600 | 839 |
San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A. | Ford GoBike | 7,000 | 540 |
New York City NY, U.S.A. | citibike | 7,000 | 458 |
Chicago IL, U.S.A. | Divvy | 5,837 | 576 |
Montreal, Canada | Bixi | 5,220 | 452 |
Washingon DC, U.S.A. | Capital BikeShare | 4,457 | 406 |
Guadalajara, Mexico | mibici | 2,116 | 242 |
Minneapolis/St Paul MN, U.S.A. | Nice Ride | 1,833 | 171 |
Boston MA, U.S.A. | Hubway | 1,461 | 158 |
Philadelphia PA, U.S.A. | Indego | 1,000 | 105 |
Los Angeles CA, U.S.A. | Metro | 1,000 | 65 |
All of these systems record and disseminate individual trip data,
minimally including the times and places at which every trip starts and
ends. Some provide additional anonymised individual data, typically
including whether or not a user is registered with the system and if so,
additional data including age, gender, and residential postal code. The
list of cities may be obtained with the bike_cities()
functions, and details of which include demographic data with
Cities with extensively developed systems and cultures of public hire bicycles, yet which do not provide (publicly available) data include:
City | Number of Bicycles | Number of Docking Stations |
Hangzhou, China | 78,000 | 2,965 |
Paris, France | 14,500 | 1,229 |
Barcelona, Spain | 6,000 | 424 |
The current version of the bikedata
R package can be
installed with the following command:
install.packages ('bikedata')
Or the development version with
devtools::install_github ("mpadge/bikedata")
Once installed, it can be loaded in the usual way:
## Data for London, U.K. powered by TfL Open Data:
## Contains OS data Ⓒ Crown copyright and database rights 2016
## Data for New York City provided and owned by:
## NYC Bike Share, LLC and Jersey City Bike Share, LLC ("Bikeshare")
## see https://www.citibikenyc.com/data-sharing-policy
## Data for Washington DC (Captialbikeshare), Chiago (Divvybikes) and Boston (Hubway)
## provided and owned by Motivate International Inc.
## see https://www.capitalbikeshare.com/data-license-agreement
## and https://www.divvybikes.com/data-license-agreement
## and https://www.thehubway.com/data-license-agreement
## Nice Ride Minnesota license https://assets.niceridemn.com/data-license-agreement.html
2. Main Functions
The bikedata
function dl_bikedata()
downloads individual trip data from any or all or the above listed
systems, and the function store_bikedata()
stores them in
an SQLite3
database. For example, the following line will
download all data from the Metro system of Los Angeles CA, U.S.A., and
store them in a database named ‘bikedb’,
bikedb <- file.path (tempdir (), "bikedb.sqlite") # or whatever
dl_bikedata (city = 'la', dates = 2016, quiet = TRUE)
store_bikedata (data_dir = tempdir (), bikedb = bikedb, quiet = TRUE)
## [1] 98138
The store_bikedata()
function returns the number of
trips added to the database. Both the downloaded data and the
database are stored by default in the temporary
directory of the current R
session. Any data downloaded
into tempdir()
will of course be deleted on termination of
the active R session; use of other directories (as
described below) will create enduring data which must be managed by the
Successive calls to store_bikedata()
will append
additional data to the same database. For example, the following line
will append all data from Chicago’s Divvy bike system from the year 2017
to the database created with the first call above.
dl_bikedata (city = 'divvy', dates = 2016, quiet = TRUE)
store_bikedata (bikedb = bikedb, data_dir = tempdir (), quiet = TRUE)
## [1] 3595383
The function again returns the number of trips added to the database, which is now less than the total number of trips stored of:
bike_db_totals (bikedb = bikedb)
## [1] 3693521
Prior to accessing any data from the SQLite3
it is recommended to create database indexes using the function
index_bikedata_db (bikedb = bikedb)
This will speed up subsequent extraction of aggregated data.
Having stored individual trip data in a database, the primary
function of the bikedata
package is
, which extracts aggregate numbers of trips
between all pairs of stations. The minimal arguments to this function
are the name of the database, and the name of a city for databases
holding data from multiple cities.
tm <- bike_tripmat (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'la')
class (tm); dim (tm); sum (tm)
## [1] "matrix"
## [1] 64 64
## [1] 98138
In 2016, the Los Angeles Metro system had 64 docking stations, and there were a total of 98,138 individual trips during the year. Trip matrices can also be extracted in long form using
bike_tripmat (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'la', long = TRUE)
## Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
## object 'type_sum.accel' not found
## # A tibble: 4,096 × 3
## start_station_id end_station_id numtrips
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 la3005 la3005 252
## 2 la3005 la3006 93
## 3 la3005 la3007 23
## 4 la3005 la3008 153
## 5 la3005 la3010 5
## 6 la3005 la3011 63
## 7 la3005 la3014 40
## 8 la3005 la3016 10
## 9 la3005 la3018 31
## 10 la3005 la3019 36
## # ℹ 4,086 more rows
Details of the docking stations associated with these trip matrices can be obtained with
bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb)
## # A tibble: 660 × 6
## id city stn_id name longitude latitude
## <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 la la3005 "" 34.0 -118.
## 2 2 la la3006 "" 34.0 -118.
## 3 3 la la3007 "" 34.1 -118.
## 4 4 la la3008 "" 34.0 -118.
## 5 5 la la3009 "" 34.0 -118.
## 6 6 la la3010 "" 34.0 -118.
## 7 7 la la3011 "" 34.0 -118.
## 8 8 la la3013 "" 34.1 -118.
## 9 9 la la3014 "" 34.1 -118.
## 10 10 la la3016 "" 34.0 -118.
## # ℹ 650 more rows
Stations can also be extracted for particular cities:
st <- bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ch')
For consistency and to avoid potential confusion of function names,
most functions in the bikedata
package begin with the
prefix bike_
(except for store_bikedata()
Databases generated by the bikedata
package will
generally be very large (commonly at least several GB), and many
functions may take considerable time to execute. It is nevertheless
possible to explore package functionality quickly through using the
additional helper function, bike_write_test_data()
. This
function uses the bike_dat
data set provided with the
package, which contains details of 200 representative trips for each of
the cities listed above. The function writes these data to disk as
files which can then be read by the
bike_write_test_data ()
store_bikedata (bikedb = 'testdb')
bike_summary_stats (bikedb = 'testdb')
The .zip
files generated by
are created by default in the
of the current R
session, and so
will be deleted on session termination. Specifying any alternative
will create enduring copies of those files in that
location which ought to be deleted when finished.
The remainder of this vignette provides further detail on these three distinct functional aspects of downloading, storage, and extraction of data.
3. Downloading Data
Data may be downloaded with the dl_bikedata()
In it’s simplest form, this function requires specification only of a
city for which data are to be downloaded, although the directory is
usually specified as well:
dl_bikedata (city = 'chicago', data_dir = '/data/bikedata/')
3.1 Downloading data for specific date ranges
Both store_bikedata()
and dl_bikedata()
accept an additional argument (dates
) specifying ranges of
dates for which data should be downloaded and stored. The format of this
argument is quite flexible so that,
dl_bikedata (city = 'dc', dates = 16)
will download data from Washington DC’s Capital Bikeshare system for all 12 months of the year 2016, while,
dl_bikedata (city = 'ny', dates = 201604:201608)
will download New York City data from April to August (inclusively)
for that year. (Note that the default data_dir
is the
of the current R
session, with
downloaded files being deleted upon session termination.) Dates can also
be entered as character strings, with the following calls producing
results equivalent to the preceding call,
dl_bikedata (city = 'ny', dates = '2016/04:2016/08')
dl_bikedata (city = 'new york', dates = '201604:201608')
dl_bikedata (city = 'n.y.c.', dates = '2016-04:2016-08')
dl_bikedata (city = 'new', dates = '2016 Apr-Aug')
The only strict requirement for the format of dates
that years must be specified before months, and that some kind of
separator must be used between the two except when formatted as single
six-digit numbers or character strings (YYYYMM). The arguments
city = 'new'
and city = 'CI'
in the final call
are sufficient to uniquely identify New York City’s citibike system.
If files have been previously downloaded to a nominated directory,
then calling the dl_bikedata()
function will only download
those data files that do not already exist. This function may thus be
used to periodically refresh the contents of a nominated directory as
new data files become available.
Some systems disseminate data on quarterly (Washington DC and Los
Angeles) or bi-annual (Chicago) bases. The dates
in these cases is translated to the appropriate quarterly or bi-annual
files. These are then downloaded as single files, and thus the following
dl_bikedata (city = 'dc', dates = '2016.03-2016.05')
will actually download data for the entire first and second quarters
of 2016. Even though the database constructed with
will then contain data beyond the
specified date ranges, it is nevertheless possible to obtain a trip
matrix corresponding to specific dates and/or times, as described
The dates
argument can also be passed to
. This is useful in cases where data are to
be loaded only from a restricted set of files in the given data
3.2 Refreshing data sources
The dl_bikedata()
function will only download data that
do not already exist in the nominated directory, and so can be use to
periodically refresh data. If, for example, the following function were
previously run at the end of 2017:
dl_bikedata (city = 'sf', data_dir = '/data/stored/here')
then running again in, say, April 2018, would download three additional files corresponding to the first three months of 2018. These data can then be added to a previously-constructed database with the usual call
store_bikedata (city = 'sf', data_dir = '/data/stored/here', bikedb = bikedb)
If previous data have been stored in a nominated database, yet deleted from local storage, then any new data can be added by first getting the names of previously stored files with
And then calling dl_bikedata
, with dates
specified to add only those files not previously stored.
4. Storing Data
As mentioned above, individual trip data are stored in a single
database, created by default in the temporary
directory of the current R
session. Specifying a path for
the bikedb
argument in the store_bikedata()
function will create a database that will remain in that location until
explicitly deleted.
The nominated database is created if it does not already exist,
otherwise additional data are appended to the existing database. As
described above, the same dates
argument can be passed to
both dl_bikedata()
and store_bikedata()
download data within specified ranges of dates.
Both dl_bikedata()
and store_bikedata()
primarily intended to be used to download data for specified cities. It
is possible to use the latter to store all data for all cities simply by
calling store_bikedata (bikedb = bikedb)
, however doing so
will request confirmation that data from all cities really
ought to be downloaded and/or stored. Intended general usage of the
function is illustrated in the following
dl_bikedata (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ny', dates = '2014 aug - 2015 dec')
ntrips <- store_bikedata (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ny',
data_dir = '/data/stored/here')
Note that passing with city
parameter to
is not strictly necessary, but will ensure
that only data for the nominated city are loaded from directories which
may contain additional data from other cities.
5. Accessing Aggregate Data
5.1 Origin-Destination Matrices
As briefly described in the introduction, the primary function for
extracting aggregate data from the SQLite3
established with store_bikedata()
. With the single mandatory argument naming
the database, this function returns a matrix of numbers of trips between
all pairs of stations. Trip matrices can be returned either in square
form (the default), with both rows and columns named after the bicycle
docking stations and matrix entries tallying numbers of rides between
each pair of stations, or in long form by requesting
bike_tripmat (..., long = TRUE)
. The latter case will
return a tibble
with the three columns of station_station_id
, and number_trips
, as
demonstrated above.
The data for the individual stations associated with the trip matrix
can be extracted with bike_stations()
, which returns a
containing the 6 columns of city, station code,
station name, longitude, and latitude. Station codes are specified by
the operators of each system, and pre-pended with a 2-character city
identifier (so, for example, the first of the stations shown above is
). The bike_stations()
function will
generally return all operational stations within a given system, which
will return only those stations in operation
during the requested time period. The previous call stored all data from
Chicago’s Divvybikes system for the year 2016 only, so the trip matrix
has less entries than the full stations table, which includes stations
added since then.
dim (bike_tripmat (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ch'))
## [1] 581 581
dim (bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ch'))
## [1] 596 6
5.1.1. Temporal filtering of trip matrices
Trip matrices can also be extracted for particular dates, times, and days of the week, through specifying one or more of the optional arguments:
Arguments may in all cases be specified in a range of possible
formats as long as they are unambiguous, and as long as ‘larger’ units
precede ‘smaller’ units (so years before months before days, and hours
before minutes before seconds). Acceptable formats may be illustrated
through specifying a list of arguments to be passed to
. This is done here through passing two lists
to bike_tripmat()
via do.call()
, enabling the
second list (args1
) to be subsequently modified.
args0 <- list (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ny', args)
args1 <- list (start_date = 16, end_time = 12, weekday = 1)
tm <- do.call (bike_tripmat, c (args0, args1))
In args1
, a two-digit start_date
) is interpreted to represent a year, while a one-
or two-digit _time
is interpreted to represent an hour. A
value of end_time = 24
is interpreted as
end_time = '23:59:59'
, while a value of
_time = 0
is interpreted as 00:00:00
. The
following further illustrate the variety of acceptable formats,
args1 <- list (start_date = '2016 May', end_time = '12:39', weekday = 2:6)
args1 <- list (end_date = 20160720, end_time = 123915, weekday = c ('mo', 'we'))
args1 <- list (end_date = '2016-07-20', end_time = '12:39:15', weekday = 2:6)
Both _date
and _time
arguments may be
specified in either character
or numeric
forms; in the former case with arbitrary (or no) separators. Regardless
of format, larger units must precede smaller units as explained
Weekdays may specified as characters, which must simply be
unambiguous and (in admission of currently inadequate
internationalisation) correspond to standard English names. Minimal
character specifications are thus
'so', 'm', 'tu', 'w', 'th', 'f', 'sa'
. The value of
weekday = 1
denotes Sunday, so weekdays = 2:6
denote the traditional working days, Monday to Friday, while weekends
may be denoted with weekdays = c ('sa', 'so')
weekdays = c (1, 7)
5.1.2. Demographic filtering of trip matrices
As described at the outset, the bicycle hire systems of several cities provide additional demographic information including whether or not cyclists are registered with the system, and if so, additional information including birth years and genders. Note that the provision of such information is voluntary, and that no providers can or do guarantee the accuracy of their data.
Those systems which provide demographic information are listed with
the function bike_demographic_data()
, which also lists the
nominal kinds of demographic data provided by the different systems.
## city city_name bike_system demographic_data
## 1 bo Boston Hubway TRUE
## 2 ch Chicago Divvy TRUE
## 3 dc Washington DC CapitalBikeShare FALSE
## 4 gu Guadalajara mibici TRUE
## 5 la Los Angeles Metro FALSE
## 6 lo London Santander FALSE
## 7 mo Montreal Bixi FALSE
## 8 mn Minneapolis NiceRide TRUE
## 9 ny New York Citibike TRUE
## 10 ph Philadelphia Indego FALSE
## 11 sf Bay Area FordGoBike TRUE
Data can then be filtered by demographic parameters with additional
optional arguments to bike_tripmat()
, 0/1) -
(as one or more four-digit numbers or character strings) -
(‘m/f/.’, ‘male/female/other’)
Users are not required to specify genders, and any values of
other than character strings beginning with either
or m
(case-insensitive) will be interpreted
to request non-specified or alternative values of gender. Note further
than many systems offer a range of potential birth years starting from a
default value of 1900, and there are consequently a significant number
of cyclists who declare this as their birth year.
It is of course possible to combine all of these optional parameters in a single query. For example,
tm <- bike_tripmat (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ny', start_date = 2016,
start_time = 9, end_time = 24, weekday = 2:6, gender = 'xx',
birth_year = 1900:1950)
The value of gender = 'xx'
will be interpreted to
request data from all members with nominal alternative genders. As
demographic data are only given for registered users, the
parameter is redundant in this query.
5.1.3. Standardising trip matrices by durations of operation
Most bicycle hire systems have progressively expanded over time
through ongoing addition of new docking stations. Total numbers of
counts within a trip matrix will thus be generally less for more
recently installed stations, and more for older stations. The
function has an option,
standardise = FALSE
. Setting
standardise = TRUE
allows trip matrices to be standardised
for durations of station operation, so that numbers of trips between any
pair of stations reflect what they would be if all stations had been in
operation for the same duration.
Standardisation implements a linear scaling of total numbers of trips to and from each station according to total durations of operation, with counts in the final trip matrix scaled to have the same total number of trips as the original matrix. This standardisation has two immediate consequences:
- Numbers of trips between any pair of stations will not necessarily be integer values, but are rounded for the sake of sanity to three digits, corresponding to the maximal likely precision attainable for daily differences in operating durations;
- Trip numbers will generally not equal actual observed numbers. Counts for the longest operating durations will be lower than actually recorded, while counts for more recent stations will be greater than observed values.
The standardise
option nevertheless enables travel
patterns between different (groups of) stations to be statistically
compared in a way that is free of the potentially confounding influence
of differing durations of operation.
5.2. Station Data
Data on docking stations may be accessed with the function
as demonstrated above:
bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb)
## # A tibble: 660 × 6
## id city stn_id name longitude latitude
## <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 la la3005 "" 34.0 -118.
## 2 2 la la3006 "" 34.0 -118.
## 3 3 la la3007 "" 34.1 -118.
## 4 4 la la3008 "" 34.0 -118.
## 5 5 la la3009 "" 34.0 -118.
## 6 6 la la3010 "" 34.0 -118.
## 7 7 la la3011 "" 34.0 -118.
## 8 8 la la3013 "" 34.1 -118.
## 9 9 la la3014 "" 34.1 -118.
## 10 10 la la3016 "" 34.0 -118.
## # ℹ 650 more rows
This function returns a tibble
detailing the names and locations of all bicycle stations present in the
database. Station data for specific cities may be extracted through
specifying an additional city
bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ch')
## # A tibble: 596 × 6
## id city stn_id name longitude latitude
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 67 ch ch456 2112 W Peterson Ave -87.7 42.0
## 2 68 ch ch101 63rd St Beach -87.6 41.8
## 3 69 ch ch109 900 W Harrison St -87.7 41.9
## 4 70 ch ch21 Aberdeen St & Jackson Blvd -87.7 41.9
## 5 71 ch ch80 Aberdeen St & Monroe St -87.7 41.9
## 6 72 ch ch346 Ada St & Washington Blvd -87.7 41.9
## 7 73 ch ch341 Adler Planetarium -87.6 41.9
## 8 74 ch ch444 Albany Ave & 26th St -87.7 41.8
## 9 75 ch ch511 Albany Ave & Bloomingdale Ave -87.7 41.9
## 10 76 ch ch376 Artesian Ave & Hubbard St -87.7 41.9
## # ℹ 586 more rows
5.3. Summary Statistics
provides a number of helper functions for
extracting summary statistics from the SQLite3
The function bike_summary_stats (bikedb)
generates an
overview table. (This function may take some time to execute on large
bike_summary_stats (bikedb)
## # A tibble: 3 × 6
## city num_trips num_stations first_trip last_trip latest_files
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <lgl>
## 1 total 3693521 662 2016-01-01 00:07:00 2016-12-31 23:5… NA
## 2 ch 3595383 596 2016-01-01 00:07:00 2016-12-31 23:5… TRUE
## 3 la 98138 66 2016-07-07 04:17:00 2016-12-31 23:5… TRUE
Additional helper functions provide individual components from this
summary data, and will generally do so notably faster for large
databases than the above function. The primary individual function is
, which can be used to extract total
numbers of either trips (the default) or stations (by specifying
trips = FALSE
) from the entire database or from specific
bike_db_totals (bikedb = bikedb)
## [1] 3693521
bike_db_totals (bikedb = bikedb, city = "ch")
## [1] 3595383
bike_db_totals (bikedb = bikedb, city = "la")
## [1] 93138
bike_db_totals (bikedb = bikedb, trips = FALSE)
## [1] 660
bike_db_totals (bikedb = bikedb, trips = FALSE, city = "ch")
## [1] 596
bike_db_totals (bikedb = bikedb, trips = FALSE, city = "la")
## [1] 64
The other primary components of bike_summary_stats()
the dates of first and last trips for the entire database and for
individual cities. These dates can be obtained directly with the
function bike_datelimits()
bike_datelimits (bikedb = bikedb)
## first last
## "2016-01-01 00:07:00" "2016-12-31 23:57:52"
bike_datelimits (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ch')
c ('first' = "2016-01-01 00:07:00", 'last' = "2016-12-31 23:57:52")
## first last
## "2016-01-01 00:07:00" "2016-12-31 23:57:52"
A helper function is also provided to determine whether the files stored in the database represent the latest available files.
bike_latest_files (bikedb = bikedb)
c ('la' = TRUE, 'ch' = FALSE)
## la ch
5.4. Time Series of Daily Trips
The bike_tripmat()
function provides a spatial
aggregation of data. An equivalent temporal aggregation is
provided by the function bike_daily_trips()
, which
aggregates trips for individual days.
bike_daily_trips (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ch')
## # A tibble: 366 × 2
## date numtrips
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 2016-01-01 935
## 2 2016-01-02 1421
## 3 2016-01-03 1399
## 4 2016-01-04 3833
## 5 2016-01-05 4189
## 6 2016-01-06 4608
## 7 2016-01-07 5028
## 8 2016-01-08 3425
## 9 2016-01-09 1733
## 10 2016-01-10 993
## # ℹ 356 more rows
Daily trip counts can also be standardised to account for differences in numbers of stations within a system as for trip matrix standardisation described above. Such standardisation is helpful because daily numbers of trips will generally increase with increasing numbers of stations. Standardisation returns a time series of daily trips reflecting what they would be if all system stations had been in operation throughout the entire time.
bike_daily_trips (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'ch', standardise = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 366 × 2
## date numtrips
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 2016-01-01 2469.
## 2 2016-01-02 2482.
## 3 2016-01-03 2201.
## 4 2016-01-04 5510.
## 5 2016-01-05 5884.
## 6 2016-01-06 6298.
## 7 2016-01-07 6630.
## 8 2016-01-08 4476.
## 9 2016-01-09 2265.
## 10 2016-01-10 1298.
## # ℹ 356 more rows
This tibble
reveals two points of immediate note:
- Trip numbers are no longer integer values, but are rounded to three decimal places to reflect the highest plausible numerical accuracy; and
- Standardised trip numbers are considerably higher for the initial values, because of expansion of the Chicago Divvy system throughout the year 2016.
6. Direct database access
Although the bikedata
package aims to circumvent any
need to access the database directly, through providing ready extraction
of trip data for most analytical or visualisation needs, direct access
may be achieved either using the convenient dplyr
functions, or the more powerful functionality provided by the
The following code illustrates access using the dplyr
db <- dplyr::src_sqlite (bikedb, create=F)
dplyr::src_tbls (db)
c ("datafiles", "stations", "trips")
## [1] "datafiles" "stations" "trips"
dplyr::collect (dplyr::tbl (db, 'datafiles'))
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
## id city name
## <int> <chr> <chr>
## 1 0 la la_metro_gbfs_trips_Q1_2017.zip
## 2 1 la MetroBikeShare_2016_Q3_trips.zip
## 3 2 la Metro_trips_Q4_2016.zip
## 4 3 ch Divvy_Trips_2016_Q1Q2.zip
## 5 4 ch Divvy_Trips_2016_Q3Q4.zip
dplyr::collect (dplyr::tbl (db, 'stations'))
## # A tibble: 660 × 6
## id city stn_id name longitude latitude
## <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 la la3005 "" 34.0 -118.
## 2 2 la la3006 "" 34.0 -118.
## 3 3 la la3007 "" 34.1 -118.
## 4 4 la la3008 "" 34.0 -118.
## 5 5 la la3009 "" 34.0 -118.
## 6 6 la la3010 "" 34.0 -118.
## 7 7 la la3011 "" 34.0 -118.
## 8 8 la la3013 "" 34.1 -118.
## 9 9 la la3014 "" 34.1 -118.
## 10 10 la la3016 "" 34.0 -118.
## # ℹ 650 more rows
dplyr::collect (dplyr::tbl (db, 'trips'))
## # A tibble: 3,693,511 × 11
## id city trip_duration start_time stop_time start_station_id
## <int> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1 la 180 2016-01-01 00:15:00 2017-01-01 00… a
## 2 2 la 1980 2016-01-01 00:24:00 2017-01-01 00… a
## 3 3 la 300 2016-01-01 00:28:00 2017-01-01 00… a
## 4 4 la 10860 2016-01-01 00:38:00 2017-01-01 00… a
## 5 5 la 420 2016-01-01 00:38:00 2017-01-01 00… a
## 6 6 la 780 2016-01-01 00:39:00 2017-01-01 00… a
## 7 7 la 600 2016-01-01 00:43:00 2017-01-01 00… a
## 8 8 la 600 2016-01-01 00:56:00 2017-01-01 01… a
## 9 9 la 2880 2016-01-01 00:57:00 2017-01-01 01… a
## 10 10 la 960 2016-01-01 01:54:00 2017-01-01 02… a
## # ℹ 3,693,501 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: end_station_id <chr>, bike_id <chr>, user_type <chr>,
## # birth_year <int>, gender <int>
The RSQLite
package enables more complex queries to be constructed. The names of
stations, for example, could be extracted using the following code
db <- RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), bikedb, create = FALSE)
qry <- "SELECT stn_id, name FROM stations WHERE city = 'ch'"
stns <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(db, qry)
head (stns)
## stn_id name
## 1 ch456 2112 W Peterson Ave
## 2 ch101 63rd St Beach
## 3 ch109 900 W Harrison St
## 4 ch21 Aberdeen St & Jackson Blvd
## 5 ch80 Aberdeen St & Monroe St
## 6 ch346 Ada St & Washington Blvd
Many of the queries used in the bikedata
package are
constructed in this way using the RSQLite
7. Visualisation of bicycle trips
The bikedata
package does not provide any functions
enabling visualisation of aggregate trip data, both because of the
primary focus on enabling access and aggregation in the simplest
practicable way, and because of the myriad different ways users of the
package are likely to want to visualise the data. This section therefore
relies on other packages to illustrate some of the ways in which trip
matrices may be visualised.
7.1 Visualisation using R Base functions
The simplest spatial visualisation involves connecting the geographical coordinates of stations with straight lines, with numbers of trips represented by some characteristics of the lines connecting pairs of stations, such as thickness or colours. This can be achieved with the following code, which also illustrates that it is generally more useful for visualisation purposes to extract trip matrices in long rather than square form.
stns <- bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'la')
ntrips <- bike_tripmat (bikedb = bikedb, city = 'la', long = TRUE)
x1 <- stns$longitude [match (ntrips$start_station_id, stns$stn_id)]
y1 <- stns$latitude [match (ntrips$start_station_id, stns$stn_id)]
x2 <- stns$longitude [match (ntrips$end_station_id, stns$stn_id)]
y2 <- stns$latitude [match (ntrips$end_station_id, stns$stn_id)]
# Set plot area to central region of bike system
xlims <- c (-118.27, -118.23)
ylims <- c (34.02, 34.07)
plot (stns$longitude, stns$latitude, xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims)
cols <- rainbow (100)
nt <- ceiling (ntrips$numtrips * 100 / max (ntrips$numtrips))
for (i in seq (x1))
lines (c (x1 [i], x2 [i]), c (y1 [i], y2 [i]), col = cols [nt [i]],
lwd = ntrips$numtrips [i] * 10 / max (ntrips$numtrips))
7.2 A More Sophisticated Visualisation
The following code illustrates a more sophisticated approach to
plotting such data, using routines from the packages
, stplanr
, and tmap
. Begin
by extracting the street network for Los Angeles using the
package. Current stplanr
require spatial objects of class sp
than sf
library (magrittr)
xlims_la <- range (stns$longitude, na.rm = TRUE)
ylims_la <- range (stns$latitude, na.rm = TRUE)
# expand those limits slightly
ex <- 0.1
xlims_la <- xlims_la + c (-ex, ex) * diff (xlims_la)
ylims_la <- ylims_la + c (-ex, ex) * diff (ylims_la)
bbox <- c (xlims_la [1], ylims_la [1], xlims_la [2], ylims_la [2])
bbox <- c (xlims [1], xlims [2], ylims [1], ylims [2])
# Then the actual osmdata query to extract all OpenStreetMap highways
highways <- osmdata::opq (bbox = bbox) %>%
osmdata::add_osm_feature (key = 'highway') %>%
osmdata::osmdata_sp (quiet = FALSE)
For compatibility with current stplanr
code, the
table also needs to be converted to a
and re-projected.
stns_tbl <- bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb)
stns <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame (coords = stns_tbl[,c('longitude','latitude')],
proj4string = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"),
data = stns_tbl)
stns <- sp::spTransform (stns, highways$osm_lines@proj4string)
These data can then be used to create an
which can be used to trace the
routes between bicycle stations along the street network. This first
requires mapping the bicycle station locations to the nearest nodes in
the street network, and converting the start and end stations of the
table to corresponding rows in the street network
data frame.
la_net <- stplanr::SpatialLinesNetwork (sl = highways$osm_lines)
# Find the closest node to each station
nodeid <- stplanr::find_network_nodes (la_net, stns$longitude, stns$latitude)
# Convert start and end station IDs in trips table to node IDs in `la_net`
startid <- nodeid [match (ntrips$start_station_id, stns$stn_id)]
endid <- nodeid [match (ntrips$end_station_id, stns$stn_id)]
ntrips$start_station_id <- startid
ntrips$end_station_id <- endid
The aggregate trips on each part of the network using the
function which is part of the current
development version of stplanr
bike_usage <- stplanr::sum_network_links (la_net, data.frame (ntrips))
Then finally plot it with tmap
, again trimming the plot
using the previous limits to exclude a very few isolated stations
tmap::tm_shape (bike_usage, xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, is.master=TRUE) +
tmap::tm_lines (col="numtrips", lwd="numtrips", title.col = "Number of trips",
breaks = c(0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, Inf),
legend.lwd.show = FALSE, scale = 5) +
tmap::tm_layout (bg.color="gray95", legend.position = c ("right", "bottom"),
legend.bg.color = "white", legend.bg.alpha = 0.5)
#tmap::save_tmap (filename = "la_map.png")