Convert a bounding box to a Well Known Text polygon, and a WKT to a bounding box
Convert a bounding box to a Well Known Text polygon, and a WKT to a bounding box
gbif_bbox2wkt(minx = NA, miny = NA, maxx = NA, maxy = NA, bbox = NULL)
gbif_wkt2bbox(wkt = NULL)
- minx
(numeric) Minimum x value, or the most western longitude
- miny
(numeric) Minimum y value, or the most southern latitude
- maxx
(numeric) Maximum x value, or the most eastern longitude
- maxy
(numeric) Maximum y value, or the most northern latitude
- bbox
(numeric) A vector of length 4, with the elements: minx, miny, maxx, maxy
- wkt
(character) A Well Known Text object.
gbif_bbox2wkt returns an object of class charactere, a Well Known Text string of the form 'POLYGON((minx miny, maxx miny, maxx maxy, minx maxy, minx miny))'.
gbif_wkt2bbox returns a numeric vector of length 4, like c(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Convert a bounding box to a WKT
## Pass in a vector of length 4 with all values
## Or pass in each value separately
gbif_bbox2wkt(minx=-125.0, miny=38.4, maxx=-121.8, maxy=40.9)
# Convert a WKT object to a bounding box
wkt <- "POLYGON((-125 38.4,-125 40.9,-121.8 40.9,-121.8 38.4,-125 38.4))"
} # }