Introduction to rgbif
Scott Chamberlain, John Waller
Search and retrieve data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
About the package
is an R package to search and retrieve data from
GBIF. rgbif
wraps R code around the GBIF API to allow you
to use GBIF from R.
Install rgbif
# Or install the development version from GitHub
# remotes::install_github("ropensci/rgbif")
Get occurrence data from GBIF
Users of GBIF are usually primarily interested in getting occurrence data.
# get some occurrences using the search API
occ_search(scientificName = "Calopteryx splendens")
occ_search(scientificName = "Calopteryx splendens",country = "DK")
occ_search(scientificName = "Calopteryx splendens",country = "DK",year="1999,2005")
# look up a single occurrence record
occ_get(key=855998194) # not many reasons to do this but it exists
is a fast way to get data, but not
necessarily the best. With occ_search
, you are
limited to 100,000 records per query.
is usually a much better way to get
occurrences from GBIF but requires you to have a GBIF account.
You will need to set up your GBIF account credentials before this will work. Follow the instructions here.
The following will download all occurrences of Lepus
saxatilis. You can use
name_backbone("Lepus saxatilis")
to find the taxonKey
# name_backbone("Lepus saxatilis")$usageKey
gbif_download <- occ_download(pred("taxonKey", 2436775),format = "SIMPLE_CSV")
d <- occ_download_get(gbif_download) %>%
See the article Getting Occurrence Data From GBIF.
Look up taxonomic names
In order to use GBIF mediated data effectively, you will often need to match a scientific name to the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy.
The goal of name matching is to get back an unambiguous taxonomic key (a number) of the scientific name you are interested in. Having a key makes it easy for GBIF to know what you mean.
name_backbone("Calopteryx") # get best match in the GBIF backbone
name_backbone_checklist(c("Calopteryx splendens","Fake species Waller 2022")) # look up multiple names
name_suggest("Calopteryx splendens") # can be useful if you aren't sure which name to use
name_lookup("mammalia") # look outside of the GBIF backbone too
See the article Working With Taxonomic Names.
Number of occurrences
Get occurrence counts in GBIF.
occ_count() # total number in GBIF
occ_count(georeferenced=TRUE) # all with coordinates
occ_count(basisOfRecord='OBSERVATION') # with this basis of record
occ_count(taxonKey=2435099, georeferenced=TRUE) # with coordinates
occ_count(country="DK") # from Denmark
occ_count(datasetKey='9e7ea106-0bf8-4087-bb61-dfe4f29e0f17') # from a dataset
Parse taxonomic names
Interpret and break up a scientific name into parts.
name_parse("Fake name John Waller 2022")
name_parse(c("Calopteryx splendens","Auricularia auricula-judae (Fr.) J.Schröt."))