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This function takes a data frame representing travel between origins (with origin codes in name_orig, typically the 1st column) and destinations (with destination codes in name_dest, typically the second column) and returns a matrix with cell values (from attrib, the third column by default) representing travel between origins and destinations.


od_to_odmatrix(flow, attrib = 3, name_orig = 1, name_dest = 2)



A data frame representing flows between origin and destinations


A number or character string representing the column containing the attribute data of interest from the flow data frame


A number or character string representing the zone of origin


A number or character string representing the zone of destination


#>           E02002361 E02002363 E02002367 E02002371 E02002377 E02002382 E02002393
#> E02002361       109        38        10        44        34         7        94
#> E02002363        30       183        11        72        13         8       156
#> E02002367         5        84        41        66         9         9        88
#> E02002371        20       110        27       220        58        33       165
#> E02002377        21        30         7        62       129        53        93
#> E02002382         8         8        12        36        46        73        94
#> E02002393        14        14         7        39        35        26       265
od_to_odmatrix(flow[1:9, ])
#>           E02002361 E02002363 E02002367 E02002371 E02002377 E02002382 E02002393
#> E02002361       109        38        10        44        34         7        94
#> E02002363        30       183        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA
od_to_odmatrix(flow[1:9, ], attrib = "Bicycle")
#>           E02002361 E02002363 E02002367 E02002371 E02002377 E02002382 E02002393
#> E02002361         2         0         0         3         0         0         0
#> E02002363         1         5        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA