Analyze NetLogo simulation output
The analyze_nl function runs basic analyses on NetLogo simulation output.
In order to execute this function, simulation output needs to be attached to the simdesign first with setsim(nl, "output") <- results
analyze_nl calls different post-processing analysis functions, depending on the specified method in the simdesign object of the nl object.
The following simdesign are currently supported:
Calls analyze_ff. The function calculates aggregated output metrics by dropping random seeds and aggregating values with the provided functions.
Calls analyze_lhs. The function calculates aggregated output metrics by dropping random seeds and aggregating values with the provided functions.
Calls analyze_sobol. The function calculates sobol sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.
Calls analyze_sobol2007. The function calculates sobol sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.
Calls analyze_soboljansen. The function calculates sobol sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.
Calls analyze_morris. The function calculates morris sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.
Calls analyze_eFast. The function calculates eFast sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.
For the following simdesign no postprocessing analysis function has been implemented yet:
simdesign_simple, simdesign_distinct, simdesign_GenSA, simdesign_GenAlg
# Load nl object including output data from testdata
nl <- nl_sobol
# Define aggregation measurements:
myfuns <- list(mean=mean, sd=sd, min=min, max=max)
# Calculate sensitivity indices:
analyze_nl(nl, funs = myfuns)
#> [1] "No missing combinations detected!"
#> # A tibble: 18 × 8
#> original bias `std. error` `min. c.i.` `max. c.i.` parameter metric seed
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 0.114 4.47e-3 0.176 0 0.490 initial-… count… 8515
#> 2 0.554 0 0.0978 0.372 0.757 initial-… count… 8515
#> 3 0.346 3.67e-4 0.213 0 0.797 initial-… count… 8515
#> 4 0.652 0 0.0461 0.576 0.761 initial-… count… 8515
#> 5 0 3.86e-5 0.105 0 0.172 initial-… count… 8515
#> 6 0.365 4.67e-3 0.122 0.124 0.625 initial-… count… 8515
#> 7 0.114 3.85e-3 0.171 0 0.476 initial-… count… 8515
#> 8 0.554 1.55e-3 0.113 0.334 0.796 initial-… count… 8515
#> 9 0.346 0 0.242 0 0.865 initial-… count… 8515
#> 10 0.652 0 0.0633 0.515 0.783 initial-… count… 8515
#> 11 0 0 0.0901 0 0.197 initial-… count… 8515
#> 12 0.365 1.83e-2 0.120 0.0517 0.599 initial-… count… 8515
#> 13 0.114 6.74e-3 0.153 0 0.425 initial-… count… 8515
#> 14 0.554 9.99e-3 0.110 0.300 0.776 initial-… count… 8515
#> 15 0.346 0 0.200 0 0.825 initial-… count… 8515
#> 16 0.652 0 0.0589 0.557 0.790 initial-… count… 8515
#> 17 0 0 0.0894 0 0.171 initial-… count… 8515
#> 18 0.365 7.07e-3 0.123 0.0685 0.626 initial-… count… 8515