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Analyze NetLogo simulation output


analyze_nl(nl, metrics = getexp(nl, "metrics"), funs = list(mean = mean))



nl object


vector of strings defining metric columns for evaluation. Defaults to metrics of the experiment within the nl object


list with the summary metrics for the sensitivity results


analysis summary tibble


The analyze_nl function runs basic analyses on NetLogo simulation output. In order to execute this function, simulation output needs to be attached to the simdesign first with setsim(nl, "output") <- results.

analyze_nl calls different post-processing analysis functions, depending on the specified method in the simdesign object of the nl object.

The following simdesign are currently supported:


Calls analyze_ff. The function calculates aggregated output metrics by dropping random seeds and aggregating values with the provided functions.


Calls analyze_lhs. The function calculates aggregated output metrics by dropping random seeds and aggregating values with the provided functions.


Calls analyze_sobol. The function calculates sobol sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.


Calls analyze_sobol2007. The function calculates sobol sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.


Calls analyze_soboljansen. The function calculates sobol sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.


Calls analyze_morris. The function calculates morris sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.


Calls analyze_eFast. The function calculates eFast sensitivity indices from the output results using the sensitivity package.

For the following simdesign no postprocessing analysis function has been implemented yet:

simdesign_simple, simdesign_distinct, simdesign_GenSA, simdesign_GenAlg


# Load nl object including output data from testdata
nl <- nl_sobol

# Define aggregation measurements:
myfuns <- list(mean=mean, sd=sd, min=min, max=max)

# Calculate sensitivity indices:
analyze_nl(nl, funs = myfuns)
#> [1] "No missing combinations detected!"
#> # A tibble: 18 × 8
#>    original     bias `std. error` `min. c.i.` `max. c.i.` parameter metric  seed
#>       <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>     <chr>  <dbl>
#>  1    0.114  4.47e-3       0.176       0            0.490 initial-… count…  8515
#>  2    0.554  0             0.0978      0.372        0.757 initial-… count…  8515
#>  3    0.346  3.67e-4       0.213       0            0.797 initial-… count…  8515
#>  4    0.652  0             0.0461      0.576        0.761 initial-… count…  8515
#>  5    0      3.86e-5       0.105       0            0.172 initial-… count…  8515
#>  6    0.365  4.67e-3       0.122       0.124        0.625 initial-… count…  8515
#>  7    0.114  3.85e-3       0.171       0            0.476 initial-… count…  8515
#>  8    0.554  1.55e-3       0.113       0.334        0.796 initial-… count…  8515
#>  9    0.346  0             0.242       0            0.865 initial-… count…  8515
#> 10    0.652  0             0.0633      0.515        0.783 initial-… count…  8515
#> 11    0      0             0.0901      0            0.197 initial-… count…  8515
#> 12    0.365  1.83e-2       0.120       0.0517       0.599 initial-… count…  8515
#> 13    0.114  6.74e-3       0.153       0            0.425 initial-… count…  8515
#> 14    0.554  9.99e-3       0.110       0.300        0.776 initial-… count…  8515
#> 15    0.346  0             0.200       0            0.825 initial-… count…  8515
#> 16    0.652  0             0.0589      0.557        0.790 initial-… count…  8515
#> 17    0      0             0.0894      0            0.171 initial-… count…  8515
#> 18    0.365  7.07e-3       0.123       0.0685       0.626 initial-… count…  8515