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Interface to 'OpenStreetMap API' for fetching and saving data from/to the 'OpenStreetMap' database (


An R interface to OpenStreetMap API v0.6 for fetching and saving raw geodata from/to the OpenStreetMap database. This package allows to access OSM maps data as well as map notes, GPS traces, changelogs and users data. To access the OSM map data for purposes other than editing or exploring the history of the objects see Related packages.

You are responsible for following the API Usage Policy. You can modify the user agent of the requests by setting the option osmapir.user_agent:

options(osmapir.user_agent = "my new user agent")

Respect and follow the standards and conventions of the OpenStreetMap community. If you plan to do automated edits, check the Automated Edits code of conduct.

Overview of the functions

All function starting with osm_* include calls to the server.

OSM objects

Get OSM objects

osm_bbox_objects() Retrieve map data by bounding box

osm_get_objects() Get OSM objects

osm_history_object() Get the history of an object

osm_relations_object() Relations of an object

osm_ways_node() Ways of a node

osmapi_objects() osmapi_objects

Edit OSM objects

osm_create_object() Create an OSM object

osm_delete_object() Delete an OSM object

osm_update_object() Update an OSM object


Every modification of the standard OSM elements has to reference an open changeset. A changeset may contain tags just like the other elements. A recommended tag for changesets is the key ”comment=*” with a short human readable description of the changes being made in that changeset. A new changeset can be opened at any time and a changeset may be referenced from multiple API calls. Because of this it can be closed manually as the server can't know when one changeset ends and another should begin. To avoid stale open changesets a mechanism is implemented to automatically close changesets. See OSM wiki for details.

Get changesets

osm_download_changeset() Download a changeset in OsmChange format

osm_get_changesets() Get changesets

osm_query_changesets() Query changesets

Edit changeset

osm_create_changeset() osm_update_changeset() osm_close_changeset() Create, update, or close a changeset

osm_diff_upload_changeset() Diff (OsmChange format) upload to a changeset

Changeset's discussion"

osm_comment_changeset_discussion() Comment a changeset

osm_hide_comment_changeset_discussion() osm_unhide_comment_changeset_discussion() Hide or unhide a changeset comment

osm_subscribe_changeset_discussion() osm_unsubscribe_changeset_discussion() Subscribe or unsubscribe to a changeset discussion

Map notes

This functions provides access to the notes feature, which allows users to add geo-referenced textual \"post-it\" notes.

Get map notes

osm_feed_notes() RSS Feed of notes in a bbox

osm_get_notes() Get notes

osm_read_bbox_notes() Retrieve notes by bounding box

osm_search_notes() Search for notes

Edit map notes

osm_close_note()] osm_reopen_note() Close or reopen a note

osm_create_comment_note() Create a new comment in a note

osm_create_note() Create a new note

osm_delete_note() Delete a note

GPS' traces

In violation of the GPX standard when downloading public GPX traces through the API, all waypoints of non-trackable traces are randomized (or rather sorted by lat/lon) and delivered as one trackSegment for privacy reasons. Trackable traces are delivered, sorted by descending upload time, before the waypoints of non-trackable traces.

Get GPS traces

osm_get_data_gpx() Download GPS Track Data

osm_get_gpx_metadata() Download GPS Track Metadata

osm_get_points_gps() Get GPS Points

osm_list_gpxs() List user's GPX traces

Edit GPS traces

osm_create_gpx() Create GPS trace

osm_delete_gpx() Delete GPS trace

osm_update_gpx() Update GPS trace


osm_details_logged_user() Details of the logged-in user

osm_get_preferences_user() osm_set_preferences_user() Get or set preferences of the logged-in user

osm_get_user_details() Details of users


The OsmChange format can be uploaded to the server. This is guaranteed to be running in a transaction. So either all the changes are applied or none. To avoid performance issues when uploading multiple objects, the use of the osm_diff_upload_changeset() is highly recommended.

osm_diff_upload_changeset() Diff (OsmChange format) upload to a changeset

osm_download_changeset() Download a changeset in OsmChange format

osmchange_create() osmchange to create OSM objects

osmchange_delete() osmchange to delete existing OSM objects

osmchange_modify() osmchange to modify existing OSM objects


tags_list2wide() tags_wide2list() Change tags from a list column <-> columns for each key in wide format

st_as_sf() Convert osmapiR objects to sf objects


set_osmapi_connection() get_osmapi_url() set_osmapi_url() Configure connections from osmapiR

authenticate_osmapi() logout_osmapi() Authenticate or logout osmapiR

osm_api_versions() Available API versions

osm_capabilities() Capabilities of the API

osm_permissions() Retrieving permissions

For moderators

osm_delete_note() Delete a note

osm_hide_comment_changeset_discussion() osm_unhide_comment_changeset_discussion() Hide or unhide a changeset comment

osm_redaction_object() Redact an object version


Maintainer: Joan Maspons (ORCID) [copyright holder]

Other contributors:

  • Jon Harmon (ORCID) (Jon reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see [reviewer]

  • Carlos Cámara (ORCID) (Carles reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see [reviewer]