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It allows to create a new set given some condition. If no element meet the condition an empty set is created.


group(object, name, ...)

# S3 method for class 'TidySet'
group(object, name, ...)



A TidySet object.


The name of the new set.


A logical condition to subset some elements.


A TidySet object with the new set.


x <- list("A" = c("a" = 0.1, "b" = 0.5), "B" = c("a" = 0.2, "b" = 1))
TS <- tidySet(x)
TS1 <- group(TS, "C", fuzzy < 0.5)
#>   elements sets fuzzy
#> 1        a    A   0.1
#> 2        b    A   0.5
#> 3        a    B   0.2
#> 4        b    B   1.0
#> 5        a    C   1.0
#>   sets
#> 1    A
#> 2    B
#> 3    C
TS2 <- group(TS, "D", fuzzy < 0)
#>   sets
#> 1    A
#> 2    B
#> 3    D
r <- data.frame(
    sets = c(rep("A", 5), "B", rep("A2", 5), "B2"),
    elements = rep(letters[seq_len(6)], 2),
    fuzzy = runif(12),
    type = c(rep("Gene", 2), rep("Protein", 2), rep("lncRNA", 2))
TS3 <- tidySet(r)
group(TS3, "D", sets %in% c("A", "A2"))
#>    elements sets      fuzzy    type
#> 1         a    A 0.02795603    Gene
#> 2         b    A 0.46938430    Gene
#> 3         c    A 0.80568003 Protein
#> 4         d    A 0.81405131 Protein
#> 5         e    A 0.40391100  lncRNA
#> 6         f    B 0.21843101  lncRNA
#> 7         a   A2 0.41836140    Gene
#> 8         b   A2 0.66887075    Gene
#> 9         c   A2 0.50765028 Protein
#> 10        d   A2 0.66035931 Protein
#> 11        e   A2 0.51179131  lncRNA
#> 12        f   B2 0.83555244  lncRNA
#> 13        a    D 1.00000000    <NA>
#> 14        b    D 1.00000000    <NA>
#> 15        c    D 1.00000000    <NA>
#> 16        d    D 1.00000000    <NA>
#> 17        e    D 1.00000000    <NA>